I Owe Them One

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[Callaghan reveals why he kept quiet on BH6's identities to Chief Cruz in 'Hiro the Villain'; all told in his POV]


Chief Diego Cruz is wrong about Big Hero 6.

I don't know if you've heard or not, but according to recent reports, the superhero team Big Hero 6, the same ones who stopped me, saved the lives of Krei, and my daughter Abigail, have recently been branded fugitives.

Chief Cruz was in here earlier, trying to get me to tell him the identities of Big Hero 6.

But I didn't tell him anything.

I don't do nothing for nobody that heartless.


I do know one thing is for certain; if I did, Hiro Hamada, and his friends, well, let's just say they would never let me hear the end of it.

Hiro would be more upset than he is, especially since what happened to his brother, Tadashi, because of me.

I know, he didn't forgive me. I don't blame him.

I have no motive or need to escape; I have to stay in my solitary confinement cell, to pay for my mistake - my unforgiveable mistake.

But, at least I did a good thing for Hiro, and his friends, by not telling Cruz about their identities.

It's the least I can do for them, especially for Hiro, especially after I gave him the info on Granville a few months ago.

I owe them one.


Author's note:

I saw the Callaghan scene from 'Hiro the Villain', and now, I realize something:

I believe Callaghan has redeeming qualities, since he kept quiet the identities of BH6 from Diego 'Douchebag' Cruz.

Chief Cruz is definitely the antagonist of the Fugitives Arc. He's worse than Obake, Hardlight, and Di Amara put together. I hope he gets fired from his job. He's a jerk, and I bet his daughter disowns him, like how Elena disowned Esteban in the Elena of Avalor ep 'Dreamcatcher'.

I hope Callaghan truly reforms in the Season 2 finale; 'Legacies'.

After all, like I said, if Globby can change, so can Callaghan.


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