5. Tracing Back Our Steps - 1

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At the breakfast table Karna was waiting for them patiently. When Arjun and Sonakshi entered they felt no less than children under his deep gaze and amused grin.

"Good morning" he said "I am extremely hungry."

He deliberately drew out the last sentence making Sonakshi and Arjun giggle. His mind couldn't help going back to the day he first came across her. It was definitely not a usual meeting of lovers or even potential lovers.

He looked on at the carnage around him. It was a minor battle with a minor kingdom. He had easily defeated the advancing forces and could now present the kingdom as a vassal state to Hastinapur. But he couldn't feel the satisfaction of victory. It had been child's play for him. He had found hardly any warrior good enough to match his skills.

He lashed on the reigns of his chariot. His army and entourage had taken possession of the palace and they would return to Hastinapur with Pirajshya's wealth the next day in the afternoon but he had wanted to visit Anga before going to Hastinapur so he set off. The Kingdom of Pirajshya saw the death of its King and only Prince in the battle or else the Prince would have been crowned King by now. The Kingdom also had a Princess but he had ensured his troops went nowhere near the women's apartments in the palace and was thus assured of her safety.

It wasn't even daybreak as his chariot began approaching the borders of the kingdom. He tightened his grip around his bow knowing dense forests were approaching. For a moment he regretted letting his charioteer stay back to enjoy the celebrations.

A speeding arrow struck on the ground forth his chariot making his horses panic. He pulled the reigns making them still and raising his bow. No sooner had he taken aim that another arrow whizzed past very close to his left hand.

These were not the arrows of a master archer but could kill or at least seriously injure if one was not alert enough. His eyes followed the path it had taken and sent two arrows in the same direction.

He heard the rustling of a bush nearby and sent another arrow. There was another movement near the bush.

"Good" he thought "I can draw out my assailant this way."

Another volley of arrows left his bow. He was about to place the next arrow when he heard the tinkling sound of anklets. He sent out another arrow and this time he was sure he heard a muffled shriek unmistakably belonging to a woman.

He lit the lantern he was carrying.

"Who is there?" he shouted "Surrender now or face death!"

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