14. Tracing Back Our Steps- 9

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She wanted to scream but his broad chest choked her voice. He had her head clasped to his chest as though it were a fruit. The ropes prevented her from struggling while the blanket hid her from the rest of the world.


She heard an elderly voice.

"Pradhan Mantri this is Rajkumari Sonakshi of Pirajshya. While returning I found her in the forest unconscious in a haggard and dishevelled condition and brought her on my chariot since there was no one around to help. On the way when she did regain her consciousness she revealed her identity and we had already reached the borders of Anga."

He paused. If only her hands weren't bound he would have understood what a passion filled punch felt like.

"Oh I see Maharaj. It is very strange that she should be lying unconscious in a forest, something must have happened."

"Yes indeed. Before I could ask her further questions she fell asleep again. Apparently she is disturbed about something."

"We need to find out what."

"Yes we do. But right now she needs to be taken care of. Please make arrangements for the same."

"I will Maharaj but... is it appropriate..."

"Is it appropriate to help a human being in need? What kind of a question is that!"

Karna's voice was laced in sarcasm.

"No maharaj... I will implement your order."

"Good. I am taking her to the second north facing guest chamber. Send the maids there after 15 minutes.

With that Karna strode of carefully carrying the blanketed bundle in his arms.


"What do you think you just did!" She hissed at him as he gently seated her on the bed.

"I did everything keeping you mind Rajkumari" he smiled at her.

"How can you concoct such a story? I am not so weak."

He had begun untying her and looked up at her incredulously. Did she seriously not understand?

"Rajkumari Sonakshi you are very strong" he began "But I cannot afford to have your reputation tarnished because of me."

"oh..." was all she managed to let out as Karna continued working on the ropes.

Suddenly the gravity of the entire situation dawned on her. Marrying a woman particularly a princess by abducting her especially from her swayamvar or if her kingdom was defeated in war was very much legitimate and acceptable. In the latter case the vanquished rulers could offer a daughter in marriage to the victor or the victor could himself claim her. Whatever be it the woman had very little option.

"What are you thinking of Rajkumari?"

She observed he had a waiting expression on his face and noticed she was free of all the bonds. Gosh, how long had it been since he undid the ropes?

"Nothing Maharaj" she stuttered "Nothing at all."

He didn't seem very satisfied but nodded.

"I am going to Hastinapur this afternoon. Make yourself comfortable here" and with that he took his leave.

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