21. Tracing Back our Steps -16

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"Mitra (friend)" Karna said more in astonishment and than in acknowledgement, "Mitra Duryodhan, what brings you here in such a manner?"

Duryodhan swung his mace up pointing it at Arjuna and Bheem who were standing with hostile expressions, glaring at the hundred Kaurava brothers.

"Because of these two Pundu putras (sons)" Duryodhan answered smirking at his two cousins standing behind Karna, "The moment I got a report from my spies that these two were headed to Anga in the dead of the night, I knew they were up to something."

Karna silently pleaded with his eyes for him to continue. He could think of nothing to say to his friend, he was touched by this action of his evidently emanating from the purest of affection but the Kauravas and Pandavas in one place was a situation he did not particularly endear in his palace.

"And I knew, of course Pitamah (grandfather- Bhisma) would never sanction me a army for this purpose" Duryodhan continued, "So I simply Started off with my brothers. Don't worry Mitra Karna, these two brothers will not have their way even in your country. I will personally—"

"Yes, yes. Duryodhan" Karna interjected quickly "I genuinely appreciate your concern. Be my guest for now like the two Panadava brothers are as well. There is no need to start unnecessary fights and skirmishes. We will sit down and talk after you and your brothers are well rested."

Duryodhan and Bheem exchanged death glares. Karna and Arjuna put gentle restraining hands on them careful it was not noticed, nodding at each other understandinly while the restrained duo itched for a fight.

Karna sighed. He looked up at the sun, it blazed and warmed. He had worshipped it since his childhood and had always felt a special bond with it as he viewed it with his naked eyes. He turned back to the milieu of 'guests' around him. They had already begun to be shown to their room by the servants.

He gestured to his Prime Minister who stepped near him whispering discreetly, sending plastic smiles in the direction of the receding princes.

"Prdhan Mantri, please have Rajkumari Sonakshi shifted to the royal apartments next to mine"

"But, Maharaj...?"

"It won't be pertinent to let her stay in the guest chamber now...now that we have so many male guests to occupy the remaining rooms."

From his peripheral vision, Karna noticed Arjuna giving him a meaningful glance and a nod, he reciprocated graciously.


"Rajkumari Sonakshi, tell me why?" Karna asked gently, to the slender female form standing at a tall window, her back to him, a strangely beautiful silhouette against the bright sunlight streaming in through the window.

"Tell me why didn't you leave yesterday night when you could have?" Karna tried again, "You know, if you had gone with Bheem I wouldn't have stopped you. I saw you were reluctant and so I fired my arrow...?"

"I don't know Angraj" she answered softly, while fiddling with the peacock stone tied to her bracelet. What could she answer? She herself did not know any answers? She had grown fond of Karna, he was such a gentle warrior. He had done much for her and her happiness.

She had liked Arjuna too, but thinking of it as youthful infatuation had begun repressing it to the bottom of her mid only to have it surging up again with greater impact yesterday night.

"What do you mean by you don't know?" Karna asked, this time his voice holding a tinge of waning patience, "Sonakshi come sit in front of me. At least face me."


"Fine" Karna said sighing, "You can't answer my one simple question, how will you answer my next questions? What is Arjuna to you? How do you know him? Why hadn't you told me about this befo—"

"Stop!" Sonakshi exclaimed, finally turning around to face the King of Anga sitting on armchair in her chamber, "Stop please..."



Hello everyone

So this is my first chapter in this story after a long time.  I hope my skills have not blunted much.

Now you know the mysterious 'army' heading for Anga in the early morning hours. Do let me know what you liked most from this chapter. What do you think will happen next?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do vote and comment generously, it is tremendously motivating :)❤❤

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