Chapter 4

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 I was getting ready for bed I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss between me and mason i still felt his lips in mine It was so wrong in many levels but it doesn't hurt if no one finds out what happened 

My alarm start going off I was supposed to  go shopping with Axle until he canceled because he had date with  the one he loves the media was going crazy over not seeing pictures of us together and the watchers wanted a date but its hard when you don't love someone they were supposed to pick a wedding date in two weeks and I need to make a plan on how I will tell the world I don't love the man they picked for me

I got up brushed my teeth put on pretty periwinkle dress and made my way for breakfast with the royals but to my liking it was only me in Mason everyone else had things to do so the camera stop shooting and left to film the other royals and how life is going after they picked me for Axle

I sat down and Mason couldn't stop staring at me are you okay is their something wrong with my face He came and sat next to me and said have I told you how beautiful you are when you smile he gave me a kiss on the cheek I pushed him away someone can see us

Theirs no one here  can I ask you a question I tell him he nods his head why didn't you ever get married or got chosen to get a wife I mean your handsome and any one will fall deep in love with you

you can answer if you want or not it doesn't matter just curious 

Well for you I will answer anything I was a troubled teen I wanted everything my way and my parents kind of pushed me away from their things and as I got older I  started  drinking more being with many girls so I wouldn't feel so alone but it never worked they all wanted money and fame nobody loved me for me they only wanted my status 

I give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him thank you for being honest with me 

see how handsome you are when you are not rude and arrogant well I have to get going he pulls my hand to his lets go for walk it will be fun 

Okay lets go on our way to the walk we see that the media is outside  trying to get a picture of me or any royal so we go through a secret path that has no media and we talk here and their and talk some more I look at him he smiles like he wants us to be  like this forever we stop at shop that has flowers and he says I'm going to get you the prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl 

He gives me tulips and some sunflowers look at you being romantic anything for you I will do everything to make you happy we walk and then a lady  stops us and yells Mason's name he looks terrified I ask him who is that 

The lady runs to him and kisses him in the mouth I run as fast as I can tears rolling down my face how could I be so stupid of course he was only using me I go the fountain that he showed me I wanted to be alone an hour passes an I get up of the fountain when I pump into something I already no its him I try to escape but he has a good grip on me 

You are not leaving until I explain myself to you I could care less date who ever you want just leave me alone 

well I'm going to still talk and your going to listen that girl is an ex fling she doesn't mean anything If she doesn't mean nothing why didn't you push her back you let her kiss you 

I'm done I don't want to listen  belle he yells I stop in my tracks what do you want now I want to promise something to you I'm not going to hurt you or put someone else in the way of us I don't believe you go find that girl to mess with you the problem is that I don't want her I want you he wants to kiss me and I give in his lips are on fire like with every kiss he wants to tell me he is sorry and he wants me I break the kiss he looks at me what happened don't play with me again I'm serious I will not be a stupid second plate or a little game for you 

That's what makes me crazy about you how you know what you want and that jealousy and attitude I want it forever in my life he kiss is me again but this time like he is showing me he is serious about everything he says 

How could I let my self want someone knowing they are not going to be good for me still I let the want and the desire control me 

I eat dinner with the whole royal family and the queen ask me how was your day darling it was amazing did my stupid son show you around yes ma'am he was very kind and nice on our trip you know Axle has so many things to do he would of wanted to be their with you everyone finishes and it only me and Mason left on the table 

He asks me do you want to see my room sure why not what could possibly go wrong  His room was huge and was filled with books and poems I didn't say a word he says I'm assuming you like it and you can borrow and book you like I hug him so tied and tell him thank you he laughs I like it when I make you happy that smile is my weakness I cover my face because I was blushing so hard he brings my face up don't hide I love that color on you he picks me up and carries me I don't why he does it probably because of our height difference either way I love it I'm shorter than he is I'm only 5'2 on he is like 6'2 that's a big height difference if you ask me 

Put me down I tell him I can't stop laughing he says stay with me tonight are you crazy they will kill us if they find out nobody will know trust me please sometimes I can't sleep if I have you by my side it will be better OK then 

He lets me borrow a shirt and some pajama pants so I can sleep comfortable I went to the restroom to change when I got back he was already in the covers and signaling me to come next him I rested my head in his shoulder and doze to sleep I was waken up by yelling and screaming and it was Mason I woke up and kissed him I wanted him to know that I'm here for him when  he was ready to talk about it he pulls me closer to him and tells me  to never let him go 

Mason moves me to get up so no one realizes I was gone he gives me a kiss and I make my way to my room were I dream with the future and what will happen if let myself feel these feelings 

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