Chapter 12

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Early in the morning I wake up and get ready for the day I put on some overalls and v neck t shirt filled with plants I eat some toast with nutella Mason is still a sleep so I walk outside and water some plants that are located in the front of the house they seemed that they haven't been water in a long time they seem dry I hear someone calling my name I turn around and its Asher he asks me how I'm doing and that if I will like to go see his plants I tell him no that is fine I'm actually kind of busy probably some other day I hear Mason clearing his throat he gives me a look like why is he here 

Is that your fiancee Belle I was just saying hi since you wanted to know I actually live next door I wanted to show Belle some beautiful plants but she said no do ya'll want to come and see them Mason dismisses him and tells him to go that he must leave 

I know where  your from mate your that fucken royal screw up who doesn't know what he wants and she is to good for you she doesn't deserve someone who is not going to love her for who she is If I was with her I will show her around and makes sure everyone knows she is with me I see that Mason is getting very furious and walks up to Asher to try and fight him I try to grab him but he looseness  his hand from my hold I stand in the middle of them I hug Mason and tell him to please go inside with me he listen and walks with me inside Asher keeps screaming pure nonsense I turn around and tell him to go fuck himself and leave us alone I actually thought you were a nice person but you are just and edit 

Were inside Mason goes and sits on the couch he motions me to sit next to him I'm afraid that he is going to say something I don't like or If he is mad at me so instead I stand their frozen not sure of what to do he gets up and carries me and sits me on his lap Belle I'm not mad at you I wanted to tell you something about Asher he is not a good person I know him from a long time  to tell you the truth I don't what he is doing here he used to live with us when I was younger he was the son of a maid that used to work for us I thought my dad liked him like another son they were always together and one day I saw him telling my father to give him money or he will tell everyone of the affair he was having with his mother my mom was still married to my dad but after that he decided to leave but I don't  where he is nobody knows where he is I never told no one what I saw that day I feel guilt for not telling anyone who my dad really was  I feel that my mom acts that way because of my dad she acts like she is okay and has all the power but my mom is hiding something and I'm go to find out what it is 

Mason the day you went to see your brother I went to the green house to see the plants I didn't know that was Asher's property so I was their for a minute and then I turned around and he was their blocking the door and I ran to leave but he stooped me and said that he was not going to hurt me that he wanted to know who I was now that I think about it that was kind of weird of him blocking the door but then he gave me some flowers and  then I came running to house I got scared of him hurting me or something 

Belle you need to be careful and that green house is in my grandmothers property he has no right to be their what else did he say what my name was and who I was here with and that he lives next door also he goes and waters the plants I don't know what to think anymore but their something not right about his presence here I have feeling someone sent him but I don't know I could be wrong lets not worry about him right now and if he try's to hurt you or bother you I will beat him up you can look at anything you want in this house its mine and no one should make you feel scared or endangered 
I love you Mason for begin you he hugs me and gives me kiss on the forehead Belle I don't know what I will do if I loose you or if someone hurt you Mason I'm here you will never loose me and I know how to defend myself I know Belle but your so cute and tiny sometimes I feel that someone is going to kidnap you or something 

Mason you are being dramatic but you still love me don't you belle yes I will never stop loving you I get up but he stops me where are you going I'm hungry lets go eat somewhere we go to a restaurant no far from were we live probably like 5 blocks away it was a small pizza place but it was so beautiful it was filled with flowers and their was a statue of a man holding a women like he was afraid to loose her almost like he adore her their was a quote in the bottom of the statue it reads " Love is not easy but you have to be willing to fight for it"  it was so beautiful and so random that it was in front of pizza place but anything can happen in Italy I guess the quote sticks with me is so true and love is not something you choose it choose you and you have to be willing to take the risk and challenges that it comes with it 

Mason's gives me a look like what I'm thinking about I say nothing important just how good this pizza is I know right is so good we should stay here forever what do you say Belle I agree lets live here and eat pizza everyday Mason laughs so hard that he spits his drinks I started laughing hard that I almost chocked I want to be this happy everyday without no one getting in the way of that happiness will that ever happen 

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