Chapter 16

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Mason's Pov 

I make my way through the sea of people trying to find Belle but I don't see here did she leave she couldn't take the pressure I'm scared that they will see right through me and know that I don't love Abigail everyone wants me to marry her but how can I when I don't feel anything for her only hate for treating Belle like she was nothing when she is everything for me 


Mason looks handsome as ever he is wearing a black tuxedo with a white button  and black bow-tie he is clean shaved and his hair is slit back and he is wearing his crown its gold with blue ribs-tomes that makes his eyes pop up an make the look like an ocean I wish it was me next to him I see him looking everywhere I know he is looking for me but he doesn't see me he looks scared almost afraid of what is going to happen the queen is on his right she is wearing a gold dress in  her head she is wearing a gold crown its makes her blond hair almost look gold her green eyes are filled with happiness she almost looks like an older version of Abigail if only she knew  that this is going last she will not have Mason  

They all remain silent to watch the future princes walk in her dress is long its a princess cut its filled with diamonds and she wearing a sliver necklace with a big blue hearth in the middle he hair is down and she is wearing a veil her makeup is simple but elegant she seems confident that she has won the battle the ceremony starts I'm so scared and nervous of what is going to take place I take off my wig and glasses Ana turns to look at me Belle I'm so glad to see you here fighting for the love of your life never let people control your life I tell her thank you I take a deep breath and fill myself with courage for what is going to happen next 

All the watchers are cheering and clapping and saying how everything is so magical the priest continues saying how he is very honored to take part of this weeding I shouldn't have to say this but is their anyone here who doesn't want this couple to get married say something or keep quite forever I do I say I want to stop this wedding everyone looks at me the watchers start calling me names everyone has an opinion of my actions Mason makes his way to where I'm at his mom is yelling for him to stay and continue with the wedding he grabs my hand and make his way to the microphone I want to let everyone know that I'm deeply in love with this woman here I know everyone feels the need to tell me who to love and who not let me tell you how I fell in love with Belle 

When I first saw her I saw something different that I had never seen a girl like her before they way she carry's herself so independent and strong  she didn't put up with my jerk behavior she actually put me in my place and told me to get my act together she made in to the man I'm today I know that it wasn't right the way we fell in love that she was matched for my brother but she was never going to be happy or him they both love different people and everyone needs to learn to accept that well back to the story I would try to win her heart by flirting with her and telling how beautiful she was but she will push me away and tell me that she will not fall for someone like me that made me realize that she wasn't like other girls who craved and wanted the attention she wanted affection and care and wanted to find a soulmate for the rest of her life I saw this and wanted her more than ever I feel so deeply for her the rejection made more crazy for her every stolen kiss we shared made me have hope for the future Nobody had every made feel the way she makes me feels she gets shy and blushes when I gush about her but she is more than perfect sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her she is way to good for me when we got separated I felt so lost and scared of never seeing her again I wish to never had that feeling again if you hurt her you hurt me lets us have our happiness watchers listen to me when I say that love is something beautiful to have and share why not let ourselves go find that love with nobody controlling us Let me love Belle for the rest of my life 

All the watchers start to disconnect themselves and saying the will no longer control peoples lives Abigail is furious and she tries to break a bottle in my head Mason stop her no don't touch her go live your life and find the love of your life I wouldn't of made you happy someone else is outer their waiting for you to make their hearth content she leaves running like she can't believe what just happened she didn't get to ruin our happiness Queen Amber looks at me and says I will never accept you as my son's wife I hope you know that Mason stops her from saying anything else actually mom I no longer afraid of you or intimated by you and Axle is going to be the new king with mike by his side everyone looks shocked Amber come on tell them all the frauds you have made as queen and all the lives you have ruined by the game you created and also let everyone no all the money you took from the families who need it the most Mom never tell me to act according to what is expected when you haven't acted like it the queen tries to leave but they arrest her before she can escape 

Mason grabs my hand and we make our way to Axle he says he can't take the job that he is scared Mason reassures him that he will be great and  the country  will be better he says hi to Anna she tells me how happy she is that we finally are going to be happy Axle looks more confident but you cant tell he still scared and not sure if he can do the job we leave them I don't know were Mason is taking  me we walk for what it seems like a long time until we make our way to the fountain he tells me to take a seat what are we doing Mason he gets on one knee I know I asked you already and you said yes but you gave it back so I'm going to ask you again and this time is going to be forever will you Belle do me the honor of marring me will you will you take my hand in marriage yes Mason I will be your wife he puts the ringer in my finger he pulls me to him and kiss me with so much love 

We are finally happy with out worries and it feels so unreal but I know that we will always have each other and that is all the happiness we need  

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