Chapter 15

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Mason Pov

I was getting ready for the day I haven't seen Belle since yesterday but I'm sure she is okay with my brother by her side My mom is so happy that I finally realized that Belle wasn't for me if only she knew the plan I have to get ready for the wedding to Abigail my heart hurts knowing that Belle will see everything and think I don't love her I'm so scared of loosing her the wedding is supposed to take place this evening everyone around me acts like is the happiest day ever lived but how can you be happy for someone when you don't how they feel everyone will be watching my every step and judging if I don't do what is right 


I had just woken up I was sleeping in the guest house the Castle had Axle said that nobody comes here I get ready I put on my pants and shirt and go eat some breakfast Axle said that he will come get be by 10:00 I still had 30 minutes so I decide to make me so toast with nutella I finish and go brush my teeth I hear the door and its Axle are you ready yes of course I have a dress for you to change to for the event you will sit next to me in the wedding as my friend nobody will recognize you 

He takes me to apart of the place filled with dresses and jewelry everything is so pretty I thought only in movies they had rooms like this he gives me a dress its long cream with pastels roses printed all over the dress it has v neck cut and a slit across the leg its beautiful  I can't wear this yes you can belle its a gift from me to you after the way I acted with you I know you don't wear heels or make up so I have pretty white keds for you to wear and this beautiful rose necklace we have to do something with your hair he gives me a wig and some sunglasses so no one will know its me I put everything  on I look at myself in the mirror and I don't recognize who I'm I look different  more sure of myself and not scared anymore of letting people know how I feel for Mason

Everyone is running all over the castle nobody notices me or Axle so we go to his room and wait until its time for the wedding he tells me to stay here that he has to get his suit and make sure everything is okay and going on plan his room is big bigger than mason's their a mess like they haven't cleaned it in days the walls are white and all the furniture its a gold color and in desk theirs a picture of him and Mike I wonder when thy took that picture I wonder if he is suffering to for not being able to have his mom accept the love of his life 

I want to see Mason and make sure he is okay but I know that is to risky I have to wait I hear someone trying to open the door I hide in the closet I can't see who it is  if their looking for something but I can't tell Axle is wondering who it is I can't see the someone comes in what are you doing here are you supposed to be getting ready Abigail what do you need from my room can I help you find it I just wanted to make sure that Belle had left and she did that Bitch knew she will never win well I have to go finish getting ready for my wedding that is only an hour away 

I hear Abigail closing the door I come out of the closet I'm sorry for that Belle you didn't have to hear that its okay Axle its not your fault he shows me his suit its gray with a blush button down shirt he tells me that all the guest are arriving that we have to get ready and have a seat near the end of the rows so nobody can see us he finishes getting ready we make our way to our seats in less then 15 minutes we will see Abigail and Mason walking to get married the location its beautiful it in the garden of the castle everything is filled with flowers and all over is filled with blush colors I see all the best men lined up and the bridesmaids and theirs a screen in the middle of the entry way for the watchers to see everything that is taking place 

I hope nobody realizes its me if not the whole plan will be ruined Ana Mason's friends comes and takes a seat with me an Axle she says hi too him she looks at me and for minute I think she might recognize but she doesn't who are you oh I'm actually one of Axles friends he need my support I'm Sofia I shake her hand and she keeps talking about the weeding and how she can't believe Mason's actually getting married after all the love he had for Belle Axle tells her I know right how can he forget so quick I don't understand my brother's decision making sometimes I would of fought for her and made sure she was happy I don't hate her for falling for my brother I'm actually happy she found someone to love because I would have never love her I love Mike I'm going to marry him in the summer I hope you can make it to the weeding Ana of course I wouldn't want to miss it 

I hear the queen telling everyone to be silent that the ceremony is about to start I hope our plan works and I get to have my happy ending  the one I have always wanted since I was a  young girl and read all those fairy tales 

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