III | Invitation

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"I don't want no lunchbox friends, no
I want someone who understands, oh, oh, no
Come to my house, let's die together
Friendship that would last forever, no"
- Lunchbox friends by Melanie Martinez


After a few more lessons, that sadly didn't include Cherry, lunch rolled around.

As I waltzed out of biology down the corridor to the cafeteria, a proud and goofy smile stretched across my face like a trophy.

I couldn't wait to tell the losers that THE Cherry Stevens was my friend.

After darting my eyes around the crowded cafeteria I finally found them and quickly jogged over and sat down next to bev and Eddie.

Their heated conversation dominantly between Beverly and Stan became hushed as they all turned to me.

"Why are you so happy?" Mike spoke first.

"Yeah you've got the stupidest grin on your face"

"What did you do now Trashmouth" Eddie scoffed.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then What is it?" Bev stroked my arm up and down and pulled away.

"Cherry Stevens is in my home class"

"Okay and...?" Eddie seemed confused

"Lucky" Ben said quietly.

"Well we talked, and she knew who I was, and she called me funny-" their faces seemed to grow shocked and confused, "and now we're friends" I smiled even wider.

"No fucking way" Mike chuckled surprised.


"You're such a bad liar Trashmouth" Eddie rolled his eyes.

"I'm not lying!"

"So you're saying that the most popular, not to mention the hottest, girl likes you..." Bill wasn't buying it.

I sat there in silence as I searched for a comeback, an Ahem came from behind me, we turned around and found none other than The devil herself.

"Hi Richie" she smiled, her pearly white teeth twinkled and her cheeks blushed.

"Hey Cherry" I could feel the shock radiate from the losers, out of the corner of my eye I saw Eddies mouth wide open.

"Sorry for ditching you earlier, I didn't want to"

"It's all good"

"Are you coming to the game on Friday? It's to kick start off the season!"

"Footballs not really my thing..." her smile faded

"But I'll be cheering" She smirked, her eyes were filled with a devilish look.

"then I can't miss it" I smiled back.

"Oh and you guys can come too!" She smiled and looked quickly at the other losers.

"You know I'm already playing anyway" Mike chuckled, he was always so sporty.

"Sounds cool" Ben tried to sound uninterested but I knew he was excited as hell.

"I'll try" Eddie was still in shock.

"I'd love to watch you cheer" Bill smiled at her, a blush sat lightly on his cheeks.

Beverly seemed angry.

"Thanks! And you Beverly?" Wow so she did know Bev.

"Don't know if I can, but have fun impressing all the guys" she scoffed, a bitter and poisonous tone spat from her small mouth, she was jealous.

"Um thanks? See you around!" She turned and walked for a second before stopping and swiftly turning around to face me again.

"Oh and Richie, I think you'd get some cool shots" she winked, playfully sticking out her tongue.

I chuckled and with that she skipped off and out of view.

I sat facing away from the losers, simply reminiscing in her glory, but then I turned around slowly.

They were all staring in awe.

"Told you so" I chuckled, biting into Eddies apple I swiftly stole.

"Oh shut up richie" Bill laughed.

"Hey asshole that was mine!" Eddie cried.

"Damn bev you didn't need to be so bitchy" Mike chuckled awkwardly.

Bev was looking past him at the wall, clearly thinking hard about something.

"Yeah well she is a bitch"

"How?" Bill sounded confused.

"She just walks around like she owns the place, she doesn't work for anything and she gets every guy she wants, she's pathetic honestly and the fact that she was all sweet to us was just a fake act" we all sat in silence awkwardly.

"You're over thinking it bev, you hardly know her" I said.

"And neither do you! You only met her today" my heart took a pang.

It was true.

I only just met her today and here I was thinking I knew everything to her.
Maybe she was a slut who go everything she wanted due to her insanely good looks, or maybe she was misunderstood.

I needed to find out.

A wash of relief drowned out the awkwardness as the bell rang, cutting our argument short.

We all quickly got up and walked off to our classes.

Sadly I didn't see Cherry for the rest of the day.

But she couldn't escape my mind.

And she would never leave.

Because there was no exit.

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