VI | Mystery

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"Drying up in conversation
You will be the one who cannot talk
All your insides fall to pieces
You just sit there wishing you could still make love"
- High and Dry by Radiohead


I sat down in a seat towards the back, the class was dark and the teacher was busy writing notes on the board, most kids were already in class.

I took out my camera and some paper, placing it on the table quickly, I patted my shirt sporadically and searched around for a pen, finally finding it in my back pocket on my jeans.

I scribbled on the paper randomly to make sure it worked and then I put it down and slumped back in my chair.

I watched as more kids filed in and sat down nearer the front.

A few minutes in the teacher turned around and dropped the pen on her desk.

"Welcome Welcome class!" She waved her hands about with each word, her smile was wide and warm.

Kids nodded a hello and some simply ignored her.

"Okay um.. well nice that you have your seats! Today we will just be getting used to photography class" I couldn't help but look around the room as she droned on, her voice was vague and far away and I became bored quickly, I landed on a picture that was the size of a small window, it was of a girl with a shard of glass in front of half her face, the half covered was distorted and broken whereas the rest of her was perfect and normal, I knew there was some meaning behind it, but what was it I just didn't know.

"... so for now just fill out the sheet in front of you" she turned around and began fiddling with some books and papers.

I looked down at the sheet, it had a picture of a camera on it with some lines off of the important parts, I began to messily scribble down the names of the components.

The room was filled with silent chatter between friends and the sound of pens scratching against the paper resting on the wooden tables.

I bit down on the end of my pen as I thought of a name that was on the tip of my tongue, just then the door opened and a glimpse of light shot in, in an effort to fill the room and cast away the shadows with a spell, but the door shut again and where the space was once empty was now replaced by the silhouette of a girl. Due to the lack of light it was hard to see her features, no one took notice of her and she quickly dashed to the back the room and towards me, she swung her backpack down beneath my table and sat in the closest seat to me which was about three feet away, she looked around for any signs of attention and slumped back in her chair once she knew the coast was clear.

After a minute of pondering wether or not to speak to this mysterious girl, she suddenly moved, I watched as she mimicked my actions from earlier, patting herself down, searching for something.

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