Part 31

131 19 23

It felt like I was in an alternate universe. It was just not possible that he knew about the story. I couldn't believe his previous declaration of love after hearing his next statement.

'Wh...what?' I leapt to my feet and took a few step back.

'Eva... Eva...' Adien called out getting up, trying to get me out of my dazed state.

I moved further back until I hit the wall. Leaning against the wall I stood staring at him with crossed brows.

'The day that we first met, I came out to take the phone call. Your laptop was lying here,' he pointed at the sofa, 'and the story was on it. I did not mean to pry but Jenna had spoken something about trolling so I peeped in and there it was....your story...our story.'

I swallowed hard as he continued revealing the details. 'I was upset since you put up our story with my name and everything... for the world to see. I did not know how to react, I did not know if our meeting that day was accidental or you had planned it. I was upset and that was the reason that I left. I was so happy to run into you but when I saw this I felt....betrayed. '

I closed my eyes and gently knocked my head against the wall behind me but I did not say anything.

'When I got home, I decided to read the entire story and it brought back everything. Seeing you after so many years had already been a pleasant surprise and reading about us kind of refreshed it further. I had decided to meet you again and tell you the truth about leaving but we accidentally met in the parking lot when you flew down to meet your parents. I felt like I was already a part of your life and I wanted to be a part of your life for real. When we met, it came as a surprise but I was prepared. I decided to enact the events from the story just to freak you out a little before telling you the truth and that is the reason I asked you out to a football game. That day while we were packing up in your house, I realised that you had a boyfriend but I wanted to be in your life even if it meant just as a friend. But the more time that we spent together, the more I was drawn to you.'

'All of it....just all of it was fake?' I could not recognise my own voice. It sounded so raspy. I thought I was choking.

'Eva,' he took a step forward to reach out to me but I shook my head and crossed my arms so he stepped back and said with a sigh, 'Our meeting was accidental, it was not planned. Just being with you was so surreal, it was not fake.'

I shook my head again. I could not believe what was happening.

'I love you Eva and that is what I want you to know....and I think you like me too. That day at the charity, I could see it in your eyes it was unmistakable. Please...'

'No. Please leave.' I moved away and turned my back towards him. When I did not hear him walk away I turned around slowly to face him. 'Was that you cheering for team Aiden?'

He nodded.

'Oh god,' My shaky fingers weaved through my hair from top to tip and I let my head fall down. I was embarrassed and horrified as not just someone but he had read the story and confused as to what to make of all the things that he was saying and all the things that he had done.

'I did not in any way try to break your relationship with Liam. ..' He tried to convince me through my tear-less sniffles.

'No you just cheated your way in, by misleading me... making me believe that you actually care...' I interrupted.

'I really care!'

'Is that so? Is it why you cooked for me, took me to the movies..' I was literally shaking.

When story comes aliveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt