Todd {1}

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"Gentlemen, settle down" Charlie cleared his throat and addressed the group, everyone waiting expectantly for him to make his announcement.

"Today we are welcoming our newest member... Y/N Y/L/N!" he pulled me to my feet as the boys clapped their hands, apart from Cameron who sat in the corner looking rather moody.

"To become a real dead poet, Y/N, we will initiate you" Charlie continued, putting on a dramatic voice and making large hand gestures.

"But Charlie, there isn't an-" Cameron interjected but was shushed by Charlie placing a hand over his mouth.

"Hush, Mr Cameron, there is a new initiation process," Charlie paused and cast his eyes across the group before quickly saying "Todd must kiss Y/N."

"Wait what? I-uh, I didn't agree to this" Todd stuttered out, his face turning a deep shade of crimson.

"Sorry, I don't make the rules" Charlie smirked at both of us and I stood awkwardly in the corner waiting for something to happen. I'd always had a small crush on Todd and the thought of him kissing me set off all sorts of fireworks in my stomach.

"Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her" the other boys started chanting and pulling Todd to his feet. I had no idea what to do- did I approach Todd or was he going to approach me?

"Neil, let go. Ouch, Knox stop it! Can you all just let go of me? She doesn't even want to kiss me!" Todd ripped himself free of their grasps and stood opposite me. We just stared at each other, unsure of what to do before Todd turned his back. For a second, I thought he might have actually kissed me.

"Y/N, do you want to kiss Todd?" Charlie questioned, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. How could I answer this without revealing my feelings for Todd? It would be so embarrassing because he obviously doesn't feel the same. If he did, he would have no problem kissing me.

"Well, I-uh. The thing is-" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I spoke, but I was interrupted by Todd.

"What if I don't want to kiss her? Ever thought of that, Charlie?" he exclaimed and my heart stopped. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly wiped them away before anyone could notice. It sort of felt like I'd been winded and left empty, but a strange sensation of emptiness. Like I'd just had all the emotion drained from my body.

Suddenly, I felt deeply, internally embarrassed and furious at myself. How could I have ever thought I even had the slightest chance with Todd? How could I be letting myself get upset over something this ridiculous? It was only a kiss... only a kiss that never happened, anyway.

Maybe it's because a part of you thought Todd felt the same...

"I should probably leave" I rushed out, the sounds of all their voices calling for me getting lost amongst the trees.



"I've ruined it, Neil. Y/N hates me" I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, biting my nails and trying to calm the stream of negative thoughts flowing through my mind.

"Todd, you can fix this. All you have to do is explain how you feel and apologise. You're the only person that can't see how much Y/N adores you" Neil stood over me with his hands placed firmly on my shoulders, forcing me to look up at him.

"You saw the look on her face, she looked at me with so much sadness. I just- I just-" I couldn't finish my sentence. No one (not even Neil) knew how much I liked Y/N. Like isn't even a strong enough word to express my feelings- I'm practically in love with her.

"Listen to me Todd, everything will be okay. You haven't ruined things with Y/N. All you have to do is explain your feelings and apologise. Got it?" Neil's voice was stern but I understood what he was saying. However, if I knew how to tell Y/N I liked her, I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

After laying in bed all night unable to sleep, it was time to finally speak to Y/N. Perhaps I'd overreacted and she would be fine with me today.

As soon as we entered the cafeteria, I spotted Y/N straight away. She was sat between Charlie and Meeks, laughing at something one of them had said. Just seeing her mesmerising smile made a small one form on my own lips. She was just so beautiful.

"Morning" Neil said as we took our places at the table, I was sat opposite Y/N but she wouldn't even look at me. The smile she once had had disappeared and been replaced with a look of shame.

There was an uncomfortable silence among the group- usually we would be joking around and talking but not today. Everyone was looking between me and Y/N as if they were expecting something to happen.

I wanted to say something, I really did. But the words would not form in my mouth and any attempt at an apology would have just sounded pathetic.

Just as I had plucked up the courage to say something to her, the bell signalling first period had rung and she was off before I had the chance to get her attention.


Seeing Todd again this morning brought back all the heartache I experienced last night. The tears still felt fresh on my cheeks as I rushed through the corridors and outside.

Hastily, I hurried towards the lake before any of the teachers could spot me skipping lessons- the last thing I needed was a month of detentions or being hit with that wretched paddle Mr Nolan keeps in his office.

Once I reached the edge, I sat down on the dewy grass with my diary and began writing- all the emotions from the night before spilling out like a waterfall onto the pages. I was so engrossed in my writing that I didn't these the footsteps approaching from behind.

"Y/N-" I jumped out of my skin, standing up quickly and hiding my diary behind my back.

It was Todd.

"I need to talk to you" he said quietly, looking down sheepishly at his feet. If I wasn't still overthinking the night before, I would have felt almost sorry for him. Deep down, though, I definitely had the urge to hug him and tell him how much I liked him.

"I'm so sorry for last night. I didn't mean for what I said to come out that way. I did want to kiss you, I really did but I was too nervous to admit that and especially in front of all the guys. And I wasn't even sure if you liked me back anyway. I mean, the others always tell me how obvious it is but I've never noticed it so I wasn't even sure if you wanted me to kiss you. And now I've upset you and I'm so so sorry and-" at this point the words were just coming out of Todd like a verbal flow of lava.

Before he could ramble on any longer, I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back and placed his hands delicately round my waist, pulling me as close to his body as physically possible.

We pulled away to catch our breath, our foreheads still touching ever so slightly as I stared into his angelic, blue eyes. The moment lasted for what seemed like a lifetime and all I wanted to do was kiss him again.

"Y/N, I'm in love with you" Todd whispered. I brought my lips back up to his and placed a dainty kiss on them.

"And I'm in love with you too, Todd Anderson".

A/N- hi! Thank you so much to @emptyliz for this request, I really hope you enjoyed it! And a massive thank you to everyone who reads this, votes and comments- I love seeing what you think of this book. If anyone has any requests feel free to comment them or pm me! Thank you all again!💗

Dead Poets Society Preferences + Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt