Todd {2}

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Just like every other weekend, you were holed up in the library surrounded by textbooks and finishing your various pieces of homework. Unlike your friends, you couldn't do homework as part of a study group- you had to do it alone or else you'd get distracted (especially when Todd was there). The only exception to this rule was Meeks, he was a genius and you could always benefit from his help.

When you first joined Welton, Todd had immediately caught your eye. You thought he was cute and found his shyness endearing, albeit slightly frustrating when all you wanted him to do was ask you on a date.

"Stop getting distracted" you muttered to yourself, shaking your head and flipping over the page of your history book.

"Hi, erm, is this seat taken?" Todd stood in front of you, wearing a cosy-looking burgundy jumper with a white polo shirt underneath and blue jeans. You blushed slightly and moved your books out of the way so he could sit down.

"What brings you to the library, Todd?" you whispered, attempting to make conversation with the timid boy sat opposite you.

"Charlie's trying to learn the saxophone, again, and I just wanted somewhere quiet where I could read" Todd explained, holding up the book cover. He was currently working his way through Little Women, your favourite.

"No way! I love that book!" You said a little louder than you should have, earning a stern look from the librarian.

"I'm nearly at the end, but I was so disappointed when Jo and Laurie didn't end up together" he whispered back to you, his cheeks flushing a bright red- just a few shades lighter than the jumper he was wearing.

"Sometimes best friends just love each other platonically, and that's all it will ever be. Jo and Friedrich were made for each other, besides who doesn't like a man who writes?" you giggled, returning to your history homework and leaving Todd to his thoughts.

He'd never admitted it to anyone (much less himself) but he'd always admired you. His admiration had grown into a small crush and always felt a pang of jealousy when he saw how close you were with Meeks. But hearing what you had to say about Little Women did reignite just a tiny glimmer of hope within him.

"Hey Y/N, sorry I'm late, did you get started on the Latin homework yet?" Meeks sat down in the chair next to you, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Not yet, I was waiting for you," you smiled at him and ruffled his ginger curls, "Todd, have you done the Latin yet?".

"Erm, no. That reminds me I have... I have stuff to do. Bye" he scurried out of the library, neglecting his copy of Little Women on the table.

"That was weird" Meeks commented. You both shrugged your shoulders and got on with your homework, but you couldn't help let your mind wander to Todd. Todd and his beautiful blue eyes, the adorable smile he did when he thought no one was looking and his impeccable taste in literary classics.

Before you left the library, you picked up Todd's copy of Little Women with the hopes of returning it to him. But for some odd reason, you didn't end up seeing him for the remainder of the weekend.


"Neil I need to talk to you" Todd burst into his dorm room where Neil was laying on his bed reading through his script.

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