Chapter Nine- Too-Familiar Faces

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WHAT. Somebody tell me--what is happening here. On my last post, I was esctatic about getting 1,000 reads. Now its 9X that. WOW.

Ya'll are amazing(not that you weren't before). Commenting, VOTING, fanning?! 

That gets me so pumped to write, you guys don't even know! (;

But anyways, here's the next upload..I hope its a decent reading amount for yall. (: I was originally going to post on Halloween day but..I couldn't wait. :D 

Vote/Comment if you like it! (: And for motivation for moi(; (AP classes are still sucking, for anyone that wants to know.) 

So please~ Enjoy, and tell me what you think!! 


Chapter Nine- Too-Familiar Faces

Charlotte Everley

After a fun morning and numerous checker and card games, I left the Harriet’s with promises of next time. I visited her place at least once every week, but the kids at the orphanage needed the reassurance, and I was happy to give it to them.

Parking my car into our garage, I took my empty Tupperware and headed inside. 

“Hey!” I jumped at the perky voice that came out of thin air. I turned towards it.

“Stella?” I asked, blinking. She laughed. 

“Didn’t you notice my car in the driveway?” I blinked again before shaking my head. She rolled her eyes before hooking an arm with mine. 

“Well, I’m here.” She smirked, like she had something up her sleeve. “Oh!” She exclaimed. “And I brought your phone. You left it at my house when you came over yesterday night.” When I don’t respond, she continues. “You, know, after you met the President and all that jazz?” Her smirk widens. “ it is!” Giving her a wary look, I take it from her. 

“Thanks.” I walked towards the kitchen, knowing she would follow. She was used to my short responses by now.

“Hey Mary.” I greeted, walking into the usual pristine kitchen. Mary was sitting at the morning table, drinking some tea. 

“Hello.” She said, smiling. “Oh, Stella, I haven’t seen you for a while, dear. How have you been?” Stella smiled; an easy going smile that I don’t think I could ever pull off.

As they continued their conversation, I washed and placed the Tupperware back into a cabinet. 

“. . .Yeah, me and Char are heading out to a carnival today.” At mid-toe rise, my hand paused as I pushed the Tupperware into the cabinet. 

“What?” Her smiling face never wavers.

“The Carnival! You know, the one that opens every summer?” 

“I know that.” I said, shaking off her previous comment. “But why do we have to go?” Then, under my breath, “Or more importantly, me?” 

“Heard that.” Mary and Stella said simultaneously before giving each other a high-five. I would have laughed at their antics, if, you know, Stella didn’t mention going to a carnival. 

A carnival bound to be filled with people—most importantly, people I didn’t want to see. 

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