By the Bench

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[Play Best Part of Me all throughout the story, on repeat ♡]

Got inspired with being lockdown here in Manila. #covid-19 #covid

Written this March 16, 2020.

[Year 2021]

Ben on record:

The usual, I'm sipping my coke by the bench at 4. The bench where I watch the people come and go. The bench where I see birds sitting beside me. Name it, it's that place. The bench where she sat.

Told her, "Chillin ain't so bad,"

"Yeah," was her quick response. Well, I insisted on a conversation with this boring life so...

"Ya live nearby? Haven't seen you around"

But dang! She seems aloof.

"Nah, I just arrived. I'm here for a week."

"Just chillin?"

"Just chillin'" well she agreed.

We talked. Yeah the usual, I asked her things you ask a stranger. But she answers me differently, like 'don't wanna tell you about me man, fvck off and leave me alone' something like that. But her expressions said otherwise. She smiles. Ain't seen nothing like that.

For a long time.

I was a jock, been into football before, was a captain at that. Got all the fun my days. Then things started to change. Got my life messed up and been into rehab. I went to army, stopped and work in a boring office life as a typist. Fvck life.

Everyday my routine was to wake up, drink cold coffee from last night, shower, eat bread, wore my one week never laundried coat with my college watch and run to the office late, finish my job, get a beer or coke, sit on this bench, then when sun sets, I go home and watch Netflix till I fall asleep.

Alone in that messy place, got bills to pay, this life isn't the way I imagined it to be. I'm all fvcked up.

So back to that bench, where was I? Oh, I asked her...
"So where ya from?"

Then she laughed, "You've asked that like, ten times now!"

"I'm guessing you're from the Philippines"

"Not China? Not Korea? Not Japan? How can you guess I'm from Philippines?"

"Philippine women are gorgeous and hot."

"You're saying I'm hot?" Why can't she believe it? She really is. Even though she's wearing triple jacket right now. I can sense that she's hiding a gem right inside that place.

"Please, spare me, I'm not." Still smiling there.

"So why choose this place for a tourist visit? I don't usually see tourists here."

"I just want something new."

"Oh then give me the pleasure to tour you around"

"You sure?"

The one week she stayed was all awesome. She ain't frowned. We went from place to place, never missed a thing or two. Enjoyed the food and just chillin. She waited for me by the bench after work to let me tour her around.

Her last day was the best.

I showed her my place, we went to watch Netflix, eat popcorn with extra butter and I told her about all the trophies and old photos I got. I also told her about my boring life.

But she never told me about herself. Nah, didn't matter.

There's just one thing I was sure with mah self, I was falling for her. Can she stay a little longer?

Short Stories 2020Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon