Calming the strom

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Eloise 💮

I couldn't wait here.  I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I make my way out but couldn't leave the damm room.

How could I?  There was no door whatsoever!  No door no windows. Ughhhhhhhh.

" Witch spell " I roared frustratingly.

It's my moms doing.  I'm so sure of it,  she just knows what I'm thinking next and prevents me from so.  Being the Queen she is , she can talk to whomsoever from far away . She must've asked the witches to put some spell to block me here. 

Sighing I sat on the couch,  there's nothing I can do. So I did what I could. I waited.

It's almost half hour,  no call,  no mindlinks,  they should've been here by now.  There's so many witches who could teleport or even my brothers but where are they?   Observing the situation they all were angry so I should have faced their wrath by now but damm. It's frustrating to even wait.

Suddenly,  my brothers Re-appear  . They looked flushed,  all red and sweaty.

" He's out of control,  Elli.  He's not listening to anyone.  Not even us.  Mother has to use her power and you know that can take a toll on her so you've to come with us and calm him down. "

In any other situation I'd have argued but I know if I didn't go there right now,  my mother has to use her power. So without another word I put my hands forward.

They grabbed it and then.


The place was wrecked.  In simple words.  There was no one else other than my family and his pack. He was tarnishing the place.  Holes decorated the ballroom which was once lited with lights.  Chairs were thrown away. 

His clothes were disheveled,  almost torn away.  He was shouting with pain and agony . It broke my heart seeing him like that , he was like this because of me. I was the reason.

" What were you thinking Else ! That was the most inappropriate stuff you've ever did!  How can you show your back to your mate!  Don't you think I forget about you abandoning the ball.  We'll have a talk but before that calm him down.  " my mother spiked as soon as she saw me.

Mates have a magical effect on each other.  Just a touch or being near them effects you in ways a normal human can't imagine.  Whether it's good or bad all their decision affects the other seriously.  But one touch from other can calm the tornado in a person.

It's not something I was happy about.  It's was just something which pushed a wolf into loving the other.  Like when we used to be kids,  we so easily used to believe in magic not knowing its all illusion.  Something to make us trust somethings which isn't true.

But due to the stories and pushes we trusted it similarly is the sparks and touches for me.  It's there to make me think that I love him but I won't in real.

I make my way to him.  His Cinnamon and Woody smell immediately hitting me. He smelled so manly.

He didn't sensed me yet.  His body was controlled by his wolf.  Currently he was punching a wall in front of him.  His hand was dripping with blood almost every hit,  resounding all around the hall.  His knuckles were broken for sure. But he didn't realized it yet.

I reached towards him,  my hands shakes when I put them on his broad shoulders. Sparks.

Sparks flew all over my body.  He's an Alpha , that's the reason the sparks are ten percent more. He freezed. All his commotion died down. Hand stuck in mid air. Breaths were ragged.
He knows it's me.

"Hey!  Look over.  Calm down.  Please. " I say all softly.  Afraid a little higher octave will  anger him.

He didn't turned.

" Please,  look over.......please mate. " my wolf tried.

Still no avail.  Looks like my mother has to use her voice. He's too deep in his wolf and our bond isn't strong enough for me to pull him back.  Defeated I started to pull my hands back. Just then he caught ahold of my hand and then he turned.

His face was bruised,  of course from fighting the guards who must've wanted to stop him. His eyes were black,  purely black.

" Not again, my little one. "

His voice was deep,  huskier and almost made me moan. Not the fucking situation Elli.

I hold his hand firmly, a little tightly to let him know that I'm not leaving. He holds just as tightly and something happens in my stomach. I look over him,  grabbing his face from my other hand. He leans in. Closes his eyes. Relishing the moment.

Few minutes passed. And when he opened his eyes again, they were normal. The eyes which hold the emotions, I'm running from. Love,  content, adoration, calmness.

" I'm not letting you go ever again,  little one. " and then he pulls me in for the hug I didn't knew I was waiting for.



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