A tinge of feelings

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Where are my potterheads?


Eloise :

Pacing back and forth,  it's over and hour but they're still not out. There's nothing more I want to wish for but to see  victory in their faces. Im still not ready to face Austin and tell him the truth. 

" Would you stop pacing around?  It's making me dizzy! "

" Well suck it up, Ace. "

" There they're! " Alpha Zayhna claims.

I see two figures of Lena and Andrew coming out of the forest.

They stand infront of us and by the look on their faces, I could tell it was a waste.

" Welllll........ ?" Zayhna asks.

" They didn't show themselves to us, El.  But before we started to leave,  a voice resonated saying if we want something from the King then the Queen should be the one to approach us and not us. "

I've never felt so defeated in my life.

I can't go in there to pursue them and neither can I mate with Austin,  that won't help. I need them both in order to complete the process and go in there. This is such utter mess I'm stuck in.

I need to act fast,  I barely have time to spare. I need to find The rest of creature as well and I have no idea where they're. Wasting more than two days here is putting everything on risk but I need all of their bloods in order to save us all. Oh moon goddess why it has to be me?

Just thinking about telling Austin that he has to share his mate with someone who has probably killed his parents and half of the pack is already giving me a headache.

Will he leave me?  Why I'm I even thinking about it?  Why do I care if he leaves or not?  Wasn't I the one who wanted to push him away from me?  What the actual hell is happening?

Should I just tell Them the truth or should I prolong it more?

" Ellie!  Are you okay?  You spaced out!"

Everyone was looking down at me with concern,  shaking my head off.

" I need everyone in my room as soon as we reach hotel back. " and then we're off at hotel.  Bidding farewell to Alpha Zayhna we all went to my room and Called the rest to come as well.

" So let me guess,  the dryads were a complete failure? " Quinn says while eating a pack of lays. Only God knows how hungry I'm right now.

" Flynn,  do you have any information on any other creatures?"

" What?  We're dropping the idea of pursuing the dryads?  Come on Ellie! You can't just give up like that "

" Shut up Ace.  I'm not giving up any ideas,  it's time consuming to stay here and find a way so we'll go and meet others and maybe we'll find a way to pursue dryads. "

" I'm still searching on the rest of creatures but I've a knowledge about basilisks. They're found in the remote regions of Africa. "

Basilisks. The snakes. They're pretty vicious creatures. They can turn in human form at their wish. They're whole body dips with poison and if you look straight in their eyes,  you turn into stone.

They're related to the Greek mythology as well.

" Let's leave for Africa Tonight. Pack your bags. "


" You guys can sleep in the rooms inside. There's two. One for girls and the boys can share the rest. " saying I sit on the seat before me.

Luckily I could pursue Zayhna on giving us her private jet.

The night is the best time.  I love how sound and calm it is.  A feeling of content washes over me watching the still clouds and sky. I used to sneak out at nights to be in the forest behind our house just to witness the night.

"It's beautiful. "

Facing my face I see Austin sitting just beside me. I smile at him in return.

" Indeed. It's my favorite time of day. "

" I used to be afraid of night. "

His confession makes me turn his way with a frown on face.

" Why? "

" Because everytime I sleep I hear the voices of them. Screaming and shouting for help as those blood sucking leaches kill them. "

I stiffened at my spot. His eyes held so much of pain. Reaching over I grab his hand in mine and squeeze it , trying to comfort him as much as I could.

" How'd you find it beautiful  today? "

" Because you make my nightmares go away. My dreams are now filled with you." he moved forward and I was anticipating a kiss on lips but yet again he surprises me with one on forehead and never have I felt this good.

" Glad I could be of any help Alpha. "

" Sleep. You need rest. " closing the distance he forces my head to lean on his shoulder and holding my hand firmly in his as if afraid of letting go.

I sleep without a hint of fear of tomorrow. It was just him and me and at this moment I felt that maybe just maybe fate isn't as bad as I thought it is.


" Ugh it's too early for me to be up El. "

" Well I need you to translate the talks we'll have. You are the only one who can do so. "

" Take Lena with you.  She can also understand -"

" Barely. She's still learning those and anyways she and Flynn are working on finding the rest of creatures. "

" aaaaahh!!!  I'm already hating coming here. "

" Well it was you who wanted to tag along. Come on now. "

Exiting I see Dave ,  Ace and Austin standing out.

Did I mention that everyone was busy oogling at my mate. Every single girl who passed us would turn again to see him.

" How long is Quinn gonna take. "

" Call her up Dave.  I think our sister is going to kill a girl or two if we stay here too long. Her possessiveness can be a bit out of control. "

That jerk having the audacity to laugh at it.

" Why you jerk. Imma kill your ass bro. Stop running Ace. "

Soon I was running around to catch my stupid dumb brother.

A hand grasps mine making me stop my run after Ace. Austin looks down at me with a hint of smile.

" I'm all yours, baby. "

Ugh. Can't this guy just be ugly. It can be so easy for me.

I was about to retort when Quinn graces us with her presence .

" Finally. "

Thank you

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