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I wanted to leave , I had made up my mind but soon it gave up the will to move and I looked back at the culprit.

No matter how genuine her intent was I was ready to kill her because she was stopping me from saving my mate and that was making me pissed .

" Let me go !" I shouted but it came as a whisper I had no hold over my body and even saying this much was alot of work .

She looked exhausted and I felt a tinge of guilt but it soon evaporated. She slowly started to walk towards me and I wanted nothing more to let my wolf take over and kill her so I can run off to save my mate but I had no fucking control .

" Eloise ! Listen to me . We'll save Austin ,trust me when I say this I Also want to save him but what if the truth I told you was about him ! And all this is just a bloody trap ?" Her words evoked a new level of anger in me .

How dare she accuse my mate for treachery . She thinks he's backstabbing me ?

My body must have given away what I thought because she starts to explain .

" Just think about it , your life will end in the hands of the person you love and if I'm not wrong you're bounded to love Austin . Given his family background they even betrayed the Vampires ,hell I lost someone so closed to me because of his family. He has the same blood !"

She shouts . Her words maybe true , maybe Austin is actually planning to kill me but for what ? That guy has just loved me even when I was ready to dump his ass he never gave up ?

No no no , am I really thinking that it's true ?  There's no way Austin would do that , I'm sure of it .

" What did you just said ? She's bound die at the hands of person she loves ?" I heard Alex behind me .

Thank moon goddess he's save , I forget about him due to Austin .

" Alex-"

" No ! Since how long is this little secret going on ? Why was I not informed that her life was in constant danger because of that shit ! " He shouts . Even I flinched a bit at his tone .

" There's no proof that it's him , moon goddess must've thought about -"

" Are you really hearing yourself ? Do you really believe in that Bond and shit ? She has saw your future and she knows you'll die all I've to do is find that motherfucker before he even gets his hands on you !"

I squirmed as I saw Alex walking away ! I wanted to defend Austin but everything was suspicious . How did those shadows managed to get through the security of vamps , wolves and witches ? There's has to be an inside person? But who ? If I find that person maybe I can clear Austin's name ?

I just had two weeks left , I need to find Austin alive and safe ! I need to get the bloods and reach the dryads ! Moreover I need to find my killer .

But currently my body was giving up and the last thought was praying that wherever my mate is should be safe and I reach him before it's too late.

Thank you

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