The sin

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Eloise :

" You all knew? " my voice was thunderous.  My body was shaking with anger. They knew all along they knew it and they knew what danger it poses yet they did this. To rose and don't know who's gonna be next.

" Only ELOISE is to stay,  I want everyone else to leave. Right now. " The Queen demanded.

Reluctantly everyone left. My mother clapped once again.

And the mysterious voice continued.

"The choosen one however has to make a sacrifice

The love however has to be curse

The flower will bloom but the fruits won't ripe

The separated will meet but the mated will be separated

The test has to pass before the stone is claimed

To loose the claim is to loose the life

The sacrifice will break the curse and the seven will be bound forever for peace.


Silence was eating me up.

I was the choosen one. My parents knew. The elders knew. They knew if they did not give the stone to the choosen one, it'll be a curse for all sevens.

Why?  Then why'd they do this?  Why did they put so many lifes at risk?

The prophecy also said I'd be separated from my mate.

My world was shattering and I could do nothing.

" Why me? " I hate how my voice broke at the end. How it quivered with fear. How it sounded so void in my own ears.

My mother was the one to speak.

" The choosen one are selected by the stone itself. The stone wants to break free from the curse. It chooses the one it thinks can do the deed.

Last was your great  great grandma Queen Elizabeth II. She tried to break the curse but lost her mates on way and soon the lost ate her up alive.

You're the next choosen one. "

" How did you find out I was the one? "

Again I met with the silence.

" I'm getting irritated by this silence. "

" The curse,  it tells us who the choosen one is. "

The curse. The curse that I will be separated from my mate and that I'll be reconnected with Al-.

I look up. My heart was shocked. My whole body was trembling with the consequences of what was in there for me.

It only means they knew All along.

" We knew about your relationship with the Vampire,  Eloise. "

That was my breaking point. My knees gave up. I fall on my knees. They knew it all along.

Every fucking thing.

I felt as if I wasn't the one who was betraying but they who were.

" You knew. YOU. ALL. KNEW. EVERYTHING THING. WHYYY  why why why why'd you hide it? 

Never once you came up and said that it was meant to happen that I were to sacrifice. I were to be heartbroken. Never once did you felt the need to hold me up and be a mother I wished you were.

Rose was there. Always there. And because of a sin you did. I lost her. I lost the only thing I had closed to mother. I lost her.

Tell Mrs, AVANGLINE why'd you hate your daughter so much.

WHY? "

They all flinched at my tone but I no longer cared. I don't give a flying fuck to what they think.

I've been through hell for so many years,  blaming myself that I betrayed my pack,  my people but here I was the one who was being betrayed.

I was kept away from such a big information that influences my life and people who are important to me so much.

" Your curse is something you've to figure your own self. Tomorrow you start your trip from North to pursue the kings and queens for the needed amount of blood to revive the stone.

You can select who you want to take with you.

You've a three weeks time before the stone starts killing people, close ones precisely every two hours.

You'll get every help you need from us.

There is the book about everything related to the stone .

You -"

" I'm not doing it. I'm Not doing anything. You hear that Queen AVANGLINE. I'm not doing anything fucking thing. I'm leaving this for all good. " I turn around.

Twisting the door knob I was about to exit when I felt the weight of the words Elder Weiss said.

" You'll die ELOISE and I think you don't care about your life. I get it. We hide a big thing from you and it effects you more than anyone sitting here.

But yes,  it's you who's gonna watch each people you love die before you painfully before the death come for you.

You think death will be easy for you?  No,  even if you jump or get overdose of silver you won't die unless the stone wants you to die.

You stay alive. Living. Breathing. Seeing everyone die.

Your mate. Your vampire lover. Your siblings. Your parents. Your pack. Your family. Your people.

You'll loose everything. Think twice. "

And I left the room, with the book tightly grasped in my hand.

A tear streaked down my left eye.


Thank you

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