love is a mess

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Eloise :

" You wanna explain us? " ace said and I could tell by looks of it. He was pissed.

I want to tell them but I can't. Things are already complicated enough I can't make it more now. Austin didn't kissed me back and that stung like a bitch.

He didn't even looked back at me and I've no idea where he is now,  he just disappeared.

What was I thinking?  That one kiss will solve all disputes?  and don't even start on the embarrassment part. Ugh.

" I can't. You guys just have to trust me on this . That's all.  I need some time alone pls. " I was now eagerly waiting for the witch queen.

She's said to be the most powerful and beautiful Queen alive. She is a hardcore bitch at heart . I've never got the opportunity to meet her but she sure was pretty good at creating rumors about herself. She's the most amazing witch ever.

People say she was a sweetheart but things happened and then boom she changed overnight.

A knock on door brought me back. I ran towards the door,  maybe Austin finally came back?

I couldn't keep the smile off my face,  but once the door were open I didn't see Austin but Alex.

The smile slipped off my face. Just where is that jerk?

" Looks like you were waiting on someone? " He still has that deep voice,  which once used to send my insides in mush.

He hasn't changed much, not like he'd. Vampires don't age. But still it's good to see him doing okay. Atleast one of us is happy with life.

" Umm nothing,  did you wanted to say something? " I asked politely.

" Oh yea, the basilisk King wants to meet you. He asks for you. "

I didn't knew,  should I meet him alone. Austin had given a clear intuition of not letting me going somewhere alone but he himself is not here. Should I just go?

" Don't worry!  I'll be there with you. " the conviction in his voice and the softness he spoke in reminded me of his old self.

Flash back.

" Rose!  Rose " I sobbed in her arms, while she soothed me. Her hands never stopped rubbing my back as I cried for now half an hour.

" I know dearie ! I know. Shhhs child. " her voice did miracles always.

" He...... That... He did! " I again broked down in tears. I couldn't say it.

" He saved you,  baby! " I looked up at her ridiculously. My tears strained eyes making it hard for me to see clear.

" Sa...ave me? " rose wipes my tears off and smiles down at me.

" Your first shift was hard,  you didn't have your mate or family with you. You lost too much of power and blood. If it..... If it wasn't for him. You'd have died, child.

He did that to protect you! "

" No rose!  No matter what,  why and how?  He did this to me. Now I'm permanently marked as his. Now he holds a connection to me ! He bit me rose?  He... He bit me his! "

No matter what angle did I look at this with. I wasn't ready to be with a vampire. He did wrong. He had no right. He should've just let me die. He should've just let me die.

The room was now suffocating. I left a shouting Rose behind and left the mansion.

I ran until I reached the lake near the forest and saw myself in the reflection. Moon light falling directly at my face and shoulder blades. Where that bite mark stood proudly as if it belonged there.

" Why!  Why!  Why! " my cries were echoing now in my own ears.

How can I tell my family and friends?  I'll be labelled as a traitor ! I'd have to leave my family behind and go to exile!  The thought alone was enough to put me in crying mess.

Suddenly a hand makes contact with my shoulder and I stiffened. Oh God!

Slowly the hands started to move around until the person had me in a lock,  not the killing type but rather it looked like the person was hugging me. I couldn't see its face. The reflection was unclear.

" What's wrong, precious? " his voice. It was deep. Clear and exotic to even hear.

He hugged me until I calmed down and I don't even remember when I fell asleep in his arms but when I woke up in order to finally see his face.

I met with disappointment as he had left already. Neither did we talked or neither did we saw each other but the night was calming to remember.

In his place was a flower, I soon fell in love with.


That was the first time I heard his voice and I instantly falled in love with his voice.

" You okay,  princess? " his formalities reminded me that he doesn't remembers me now. So I asked my head,  put a smile and said. " Let's go to meet the king,  your highness! "

Love can be such a mess at times.

Where are you Austin?  Why I've a bad feeling about something?


Thank you

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