The date-1

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The car ride was filled with silence,  an uncomfortable one at that. Mate pull is too strong and worst if you're carrying an alpha blood.  I could see Him gulping down and trying to avoid seeing my way.  Our wolf's were going crazy.  I can feel his trying to control his while I try to control mine.  As soon as the Alpha finds his mate,  the markings should be done within a week or it gets more messy and hard to resist. Similarly if one tries to ignore the pull,  it'll only end up with the pull getting stronger and stronger.

He looks so delicious in those clothes,  I just want to rip it off him.  His wolf is going crazy Ellie. Let's help him out of his misery.

My wolf started to talk to me when she founded that I've accepted him,  she knows what I'm about to do in future but she's hell bent on saying that by that time I'll be madly in love with this man. I scoff,  as if. 

Love for me is a sour topic.  Which I'd like to ignore and drop forever.  I can't see myself loving someone again,  giving all of mine but getting nothing in return.  It's just a waste of time. Why can't werewolves rules be simple and not this complicated with mate bomds and all?  A simple go mate with one you love or stay single would suffice all her misery but no, that's not how world works.

No red,  we are just on a date and on FIRST FUCKING DATE I'm not going to jump on his bone. Not that desperate.

I shut her off and see that the car has stopped in front of a restaurant. He comes over my side to open the door.

" I hope we could eat something, I was starving and I heard you haven't eaten anything since the testing ceremony. "

How did he knows that?  I just nodded. I was indeed starving.

The place was rich and beautiful but as soon as I reached inside a strong human smell hits me. There are humans more than werewolfs which means this place is owned by a human .

Werewolves tends to ignore places where there are humans. One : we don't like their smell.  Two : they're very obnoxious and weird.

He grabs my hand in his large one, once again,  my little fingers covering up by his large ones.  I love the feel of it.  It feels as if his protecting me without even saying or trying.  It feels completed.

" Reservation under the name Austin "

Austin. So his name is Austin.  I've never learned his name before but it flews perfectly. I smile.

We were taken up to a scheduled area with pool behind and no one at sight.  The settings were away from outside .
He pulls out the chair for me and then sits in front.

" Go through the menu and order up.  I know this place, it has the best Spaghetti and best wines. "

Alcohol does nothing to us,  yes if one drinks a little too much it can make you tipsy but nothing our body acid can't handle.  On that Alpha blood can work magics.

Motioning for the waiter to come up.
I give the same order as he suggested. If comes here it might be good recommendation. The waiter leaves,  leaving us in our own worlds but with a uncomfortable silence.

" So Can I now know something about my mate? " he asks. In a joking manner.

And I realize he really know nothing about me,  except for what he saw. That give much but still.

" My Name is ELOISE as you must know. I'm 20 now. I have completed  my college before my age students as I was pretty good at it.  I've done management studies and I'm good at maths unlike others.  My life is pretty much boring. I've been trained by my parents and brothers. My favorite color is black and purple. McDonald's is a go to place. I like cars over bike and that's it. "

I say and he has a amusing look on his face,  OK so maybe I said that all in one go.  Shit, this  date thing is making me nervous as hell.

I'm rarely like this.

I figet over my seat and pray to all in heaven that the waiters comes soon.

" You Know,  I feel happy to know that I'm the first guy to take you out on a date. " holy crap.

How did he found? Maybe my nervousness gave away?  Oh shits!  I'm a open book.  So easy to read?

I shut my eyes off , facing the second hand embarrassment,  when another hands slowly trailing over it. I open to see him hovering over the table.

" Hey,  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to make you embarrass at all.  I was really happy.  That this is a thing you're sharing with me just me.  So that in future if you ever thought about your first date,  it'll be me. Me who'll pop out in your brain. No one else. "

I smile at that.  He sure has his way with words.

The food arrived and we started to eat in silence but this time it wasn't uncomfortable.

" My turn I guess? " I just nodded not able to pull myself away from food.  It's so amazing in taste.

" Austin Mahone, I'm 23 years.  I took over the pack at the age  of 16 -" I choke on the food.

16?16? For serious that's such a small age to put a boy under all the pressure of a pack. I look up at him asking him a unspoken question which he answers soon.

" My half pack was brutally murdered when I was sixteen,  half left.  My parents were killed as well! "

Oh my Goddess.  Shit.  What do one says at time like this?  I've never comforted someone.  I put my hand up on the table to meet his half way and grab his in mine,  squeezing it a little to letting him know that I'm here.

Suddenly I didn't wanted to leave him.


Thank you

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