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As my pregnancy progressed the morning sickness got worse. I don't know if that's normal with twins or if the stress of everyone just noping out of ever speaking to me again was adding to it.

I started becoming hyper-focused on what I would do if the others didn't come around. Natasha, Wanda, and Steve wanted to be part of it but I couldn't figure out how that would work if no one else did. Steve wasn't going to choose me over Bucky nor would I make him. Natasha was the same with Clint. Wanda might move in but could I stay here in the Tower if most of the people here didn't want a kid? If I did stay where would the baby go? I had a one-bedroom apartment.

I began sorting through my wardrobe under the premise that maybe the wardrobe was big enough to use as a nursery. It was stupid really. It didn't even have windows, but it was large and if I downsized I could put in a crib.

I was also showing now. Not a lot, but none of my jeans buttoned up. So I started by putting away clothes that I wasn't going to be able to wear for another year at least.

There was a soft knock on the door and I opened it to see Sam.

"Sammy? Why are you knocking?" I asked slightly confused and on the edge of being relieved to see him, but also worried that he knocked because he was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear.

"FRIDAY said you'd be here. I wasn't, I don't know..." He said running his hands over his head. He looked tired, the way he did after a long mission.

I stepped out of the way to let him in. "I was just sorting out my clothes. My jeans don't button up anymore."

He reached forward to touch me and then quickly withdrew his hand. "You look good."

"You can touch. I don't mind. You won't feel them though. It's still just little twitches only I can feel. Wanda is really annoyed." I said poking my stomach.

"I didn't think... I haven't been here." He said.

"I know... but you had things to deal with." I said with a small shrug. "Come in. I missed you."

He stepped inside and walked to the couch though he didn't take a seat. "I'm sorry."

I closed the door and came over to him, moving in for a hug. "You didn't ask for this. You had to figure things out."

"I'm getting there." He said, his arms closing around me. "I should have been there for you though. You didn't ask for this either."

"Are you here now?" I asked.

He nodded breathing me in for a moment. "Yes. I needed... Can we sit?"

I nodded and sat next to him and he took both of my hands in his. "My family are really religious, El. I never told them about this. They knew I wasn't straight because of Riley. They thought I was gay and I never corrected them. It was enough that they could find it in their heart to accept that about me. Then this all came out thanks to Tony and they were so mad at me. They could accept I was gay if I still fit the convention of monogamy. The fact I was bi, and poly. They said I was going straight to hell and every time I talked to them, they told me I had to stop living this life of sin. That if I was bisexual I could choose to be with a woman. That I could choose who to love. I needed to settle down and have kids." He let out a breath and looked up at me. "I could deal with it when it was just us. Everyone here is from such messed up families or they don't have them at all anymore, it wasn't such a big deal that they felt that way about my relationship. But if we're having kids, I want them in their lives, but not if they're gonna be like that."

"Did you get through to them?" I asked.

He nodded as his thumbs ran over the back of my hands. "Yeah. I think. I mean... they wanted me to find out whose baby it was and if it was mine to marry you. I said it was my baby no matter what and this was their time to choose. Either they could be a positive part of their niece or nephew's lives or they wouldn't be part of any of our lives. They still don't like it but as long as they can accept this is how it is, that's fine with me."

The Tower: UnexpectedWhere stories live. Discover now