Delivery Day

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Thor had to leave the following week. He said he'd just make sure things were in place in Asgard to run smoothly while he took time with us to be here for when the babies were born and he could stay with them for as long as he could before needing to worry about kingdom things.

Unfortunately, the babies didn't quite feel like waiting for him to return. Two days after he left I woke up with an intense pain that ran along my side and up my back. I sat up and made a strained moan. I'd gone to bed with Nat in her room because I had gotten to a point where with the size I was it was feeling overwhelming to have everyone there. She sat up with a gasp. "What's going on?"

I rubbed my back and winced. "Hurts."

She shifted over and grabbed the tablet, quickly tapping on it. "Alright, mishka. Just breathe." She said. I whined as the pain faded and back and started breathing through my teeth. "Alright. FRIDAY, code purple. Let everyone know."

"Purple?" I asked.

"One boy, blue. One girl, pink. Equals purple." She said. "They're coming."

"No, Nat. It's too early." I whined.

"Not according to these numbers." She said. I whined again and flopped back in the bed. She looked down at me and massaged my hips. "Come on sweetie. We have a little bit of time but we have to get you to the medbay before you're in full labor."

I went to sit up and doubled over in pain as another contraction hit. Natasha moved behind me and started rubbing my back. "It'll be okay." She soothed. "Everyone will meet us there."

When the contraction passed I struggled to my feet and Natasha supported me as I gathered up my things and put on some slippers. We weren't going very far. The very first building ready in the compound had been the medbay so that the babies could be born nearby. For that reason, I couldn't be bothered getting dressed properly. I just threw on a robe and grabbed the bag I'd packed with clothes and diapers.

"Will the doctors be there yet?" I asked as Natasha led me out through the house.

"We'll find out when we get there."

"Where are the others? Are they going to meet us?"

"Should be," She said. "That's what the code purple is for."

I nodded. "Okay. Good, good."

"You just worry about those babies, mishka. We'll worry about everything else." She said opening the car door and letting me in.

Another contraction hit and I doubled over in pain, resting my head on the dashboard as I tried to breathe through it. "Hurts, Tasha."

"I know. But you gotta keep with it." She said as she drove down our drive toward the rest of the compound.

"Don't want to."

"Don't you want to meet them, mishka?" Nat said as she pulled the car up outside the large building that held the medbay. She turned to me and stroked my hair. "Don't you wanna hold your little babies?"

I whined and nodded turning from her and opening the car door.

"There we go," She said and got out and came around to support me.

"Why can't Thor be the one who's having the babies? He's the fertility god." I grumbled as she led me inside.

She stifled a laugh. "Why don't you ask him?"

She led me into the medbay and just as we got there another contraction hit. I doubled over and moaned. Natasha supported me and rubbed my back. "Just breathe, honey."

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