Shopping for Twins

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The plans were put in place to move. Tony bought land up in Esopus that sat right on the Hudson. We saw it via google maps but he was pretty determined that we weren't allowed to see it in person until it was done. What we did know was that there was going to be a new state of the art facility for the Avengers. It would have hangers and landing pads for the jets, labs and offices, gyms and rooms for weapons and combat training. As well as conference rooms, living quarters and all the other trappings for what was essentially a privately run military installation. We would be getting a house a little off from it, surrounded by trees and right by the water.

It was exciting to think we were all going to live together like an actual family and not just a bunch of people who were dating and happened to live in the same building. It was going to be a big change and one that would take some getting used to but I was ready for it.

Now that the house was under construction, I was no longer worried about not having a place for the babies to go. Things were more certain and I felt more ready for them and what having them meant for us as a group.

Except for the fact that we weren't at all ready for them. We had no baby clothes. No furniture. No diapers or bottles or wraps. I was 26 weeks pregnant and we weren't prepared to actually have babies at home with us in any way, shape or form.

So Tony took Wanda and I to Maddison Avenue to shop for baby supplies. We wandered through the cribs when I stopped at two that seemed to clip together to form a sort of double crib. It was a light, cream, stained timber and I ran my fingers over the sleighed ends.

"Twin cribs? I didn't know these were a thing."

Wanda came up beside me and picked up the card that described it. "You didn't? They have lots of things for twins."

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist and leaned my cheek on her head. Of course, my little lost twin would know all about what was available for twins these days. She'd probably been researching since she found out I was pregnant with twins. "Do we get one of these?" I asked. "They're so big."

"We could always have one built," Tony said. "Design it how we want. But this will fit in the nursery just fine."

"What if they don't like sleeping next to each other?" I asked.

"It splits apart," Wanda said, moving to the side of it. "See there are, clips here and here. Then it's just two cribs."

"Yeah, that could work. So this one then?" I asked.

"Yep, and if it doesn't work. I'll just make something." Tony said grabbing the price ticket from it.

"Of course you could," I said nudging him. I took my list out and my eyes flicked over them. "Okay, so change table next to match this. The question is, are we getting one with the bath built-in?"

Tony shook his head. "No, I'm designing the room to have a deep sink installed. Easier that way."

We went over to where the change tables were and selected one that was long and had lots of drawers and had that similar rough-looking washed paint look. Tony also grabbed the ticket for the most expensive cot mattresses. On the way to look at the bassinets, I stopped at the rockers and sat in a gorgeous winged backed one. "I didn't even consider something like this. I want this."

Tony chuckled. "If you'd let the designer do this you wouldn't need to consider everything. It would all be there ready for you."

I wrinkled my nose. "Tony."

"Yeah, Tony." Wanda agreed which made Tony break down into laughter.

"Alright, rocker. Ottoman. Which fabric?" He said tossing the swatches in my lap. I picked a vintage rose color that I thought would match the style of the chair. We then moved on to the bassinets and Wanda let out a squeak almost immediately.

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