The start

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Tsumugi Shirogane has started a chat

Tsumugi Shirogane added 15 other people

Tsumugi Shirogane changed the chat name to "Class 79

16 people are online!

Kokichi: Tsum-tsums what is this?

Tsumugi: A group chat of course! I thought I should make one since the other classes have them and this where we can all have fun together.

Kaede: Great idea Tsumugi! 

Kirumi: Indeed. If any of you have any requests then you can send them through here and I will happily fulfill them.

Kokichi: Your a little too submissive sometimes Mom. One could easily take advantage of your kindness.

Kirumi: It's part of my job as a maid but I can assure you, I would never let anyone get away with overstepping their boundaries. I'm no slave after all.

Tsumugi: Good to know!

Shuichi: Hello everyone.

Kaede: Hi Shuichi!

Kokichi: My beloved is here! Hello my darling Shuichi!

Shuichi: Oh, your here...

Kokichi: A-are you not happy to see me? =(

Shuichi: You can be stressful to deal with but your my friend so yes, I'm happy to see you. 

Kokichi:  =)

Tsumugi: So cute~!

Kokichi: Keep your fangasms to yourself.

Tsumugi: I can't help it!

Kaede: I know a lot of you guys are lurking. Everyone is online so come on out and say hello. Don't be shy!

Kaito: Yo! The Luminary of the Stars is here!

Shuichi: Hi Kaito-kun

Kaito: Hey sidekick!

Maki: I don't wanna join this chat at all but interesting things are bound to happen here so I might as well stick around.

Korekiyo: Yes, if we are to believe the stories of the other classes then chaos and insanity can happen in these kinds of communication outlets. So, let us observe the beauty of it all!

Kokichi: You sound pretentious. Talking like that, I mean.

Korekiyo: That is how I normally speak. I apologize if I come across as pretentious but I've been taught that when you speak in a certain way, it indicates something about your personality and words themselves can have an impact on who you choose to interact with.

Tsumugi: Not gonna lie Kiyo-kun, you could woo someone with your eloquence. They may find it odd but I think it just adds to your reputation as a smart person.

Kirumi: I agree. 

Korekiyo: Thank you.

Tsumugi: Your welcome.

K1-B0: Greetings everyone!

Miu: Sup fuckers!

Tenko: I'm only in this chat because Himiko is here and a girl made it. Otherwise, hello to all the beautiful ladies of our class!

Himiko: Hey...

Gonta: Hello friends!

Ryoma: What is this?

Tsumugi: A group chat.

Ryoma: I know that, I'm asking why include me in it? I don't want my notifications buzzing non-stop because of this.

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