Intervention Plans

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Auxiliatrix: Kaito, please calm down. 

Starlord: Your one to talk when you and Kiyo didn't even try to stop Kokichi and his bitch from talking shit about Maki!

Dicesuki: Stop attacking mom dumbass. She's done nothing wrong.

Beautiful eyes: Kaito-kun please don't make this any harder than it already is. There's a time and place to talk about the drama going on and now is not the time. It'll just make people upset again.

Starlord: Maki is our friend Shuichi. That lying little fucker has no right to be shit talking her like that!

Dicesuki: I wouldn't have said those things if she didn't egg me or Hiyoko on. She started it first if you even back read all the way through in the chat.

Starlord: Well then you should have been the bigger person and just tell her to cut it out instead of bashing her like that! There's already enough tension from the argument between Tsumugi and Rantaro, you just had to add more trouble in the mix!

Auxiliatrix: Have you gotten the message I sent you? 

Starlord: Yeah I did

Auxiliatrix: Then please calm yourself down Kaito. Me and Kiyo will be there to help you, Shuichi, and Kokichi talk things out. Although we can only do so much and you three need to be civil. This is a chance for you guys to finally express how your feeling to each other and hopefully something good will happen out of this intervention.

Starlord: How do I know that rat isn't going to just try to lie or bait me into getting mad at him? Kokichi is absolutely undisciplined and he practically ENJOYS pissing people off! Talking to him about something serious is like talking to an absentminded person. It goes in one ear and out the other. 

Dicesuki: So that's what you think of me huh?

Starlord: Of course you little shit. Maki's really upset and was almost close to crying when she came to me and told me all the things you and your loli bitch said about her.

Dicesuki: Don't call Hiyoko a bitch. Also, your one to talk, comparing me to an absentminded person when your not even the smartest cookie in the jar. You've proven yourself to be an idiot many times and our classmates agree with me when I say, your a complete and utter dumbass.

Beautiful eyes: Stop it you two! 

Eloquence: I've had quite enough of this. Kaito, please do try to see what went wrong on both sides and then come to a proper conclusion. Kokichi, you are fanning the flames yet again. This antagonistic behavior is not helping either of you and arguing in this chat will gain you nothing. It's better if you have a civil discussion and say your concerns. That is why me and Kirumi want the 3 of you to speak during free period tomorrow.

Starlord: So you guys are on that gremlin's side huh? Kirumi, forget it. I'm not talking to that demon spawn. He's a waste of oxygen and I'd rather spare myself the headache. 

Beautiful eyes: Kaito-kun please don't be like this. No one is taking any sides. Didn't you once say that you actually did want to befriend Kokichi and understand him? Kirumi and Kiyo's intervention may be the chance we have in doing that. The purpose is for Kokichi to tell us his concerns regarding Maki since they both don't get along and then we can speak our thoughts from there. So please, cooperate with us. You too Kokichi.

Dicesuki: Wait...Momo-chan actually said that?


Auxiliatrix: You can finally open up and say what you want to say. This can help you get a better insight on each other. However you will need to be honest and again, be civil. I also remember you saying the same thing Kaito. You actually do want to understand Kokichi better right? 

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