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A/n: Sorry for the wait but I could not for the life of me write the intervention part because it made my head spin. I just had to stick it in here using the others. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


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Decibels: Well it's free period and Kirumi just left with the others to go to the counselor's office. I hope it goes well.

Wanderlust: I have faith that it will.

Sex-E: Don't count on your will to believe in others too much like Kaito does. We can only anticipate at the moment.

Wanderlust: That's a pretty cynical comment coming from you Miu. Didn't peg you to be a cynic realist type.

Sex-E: Experiences, that's all I can say.

Femme Fatale: I hope those degenerates do make some progress though. This has been long overdue since Kokichi hides his feelings a lot.

Nyeh: You've noticed it too Tenko?

Femme Fatale: Not at first. Tsumugi, Kirumi, and Shuichi often say that there's more to Kokichi than meet's the eye. Even Hiyoko says that he's not as bad as he seems. So based on that and Kaito saying how Kokichi seems to never be honest with his own feelings either, I concluded that maybe he's one of those people that hides behind a mask.

Wanderlust: Wow Tenko, looks like your making some good progress for yourself. Maybe you'll finally stop hating men but that's a stretch. Still, a guy can dream.

Cats 4 life: Tenko's still got a ways to go though. I don't think it would be that easy for her to stop being a misandrist. 

Femme Fatale: Shut up Ryoma! Btw Rantaro, about that incident with you and Sonia, why was she found naked in your room? You never explained that.

Wanderlust: Oh, well she was drunk and according to her, when she's in a drunken state she has the tendency to sleep in the nude. That's why she was naked when Kokichi and Hiyoko broke into my dorm that day to steal my camera.

Sex-E: They were the ones who spread that around? I'm not surprised.

Wanderlust: Actually me and Sonia were able to bribe them into keeping quiet. When the news spread, they both said that they had nothing to do with it and they didn't tell anyone. To this day none of us know who was able to get ahold of that info. Damn....

Sex-E: Hey, you got to see a Princess naked. You should be happy about that.

Wanderlust: Absolutely not! Sonia is my friend and that stupid incident nearly ruined her reputation along with mine. If it wasn't for Byakuya, the whole thing would have turned into a huge fiasco and Sonia's family would be condemning her. 

Decibels: I believe you Rantaro. I know you would never take advantage of a girl and as you've said before, your not the type to have casual sex. If it wasn't Kokichi and Hiyoko who blabbed then maybe some third party was responsible for it.

Femme Fatale: I don't know if I should believe you Rantaro... I mean, looks can be deceiving.

Wanderlust: You can ask Sonia about it if you don't believe me Tenko. I've said it time and time again, I don't do hook ups and I'm not a playboy. I'm so sick and tired of having to explain that to people constantly...

Robot boy: Let's not talk about this. It's obviously upsetting and it might lead to another fight.

Femme Fatale: Damn, so many people have been pissed off lately. First Tsumugi and Rantaro, then Kokichi, and now Kaito and Shuichi. Has anyone noticed how those 2 seemed to be so tense in class today? Shuichi even had his "Kyoko style Kuudere" face and we all know he's unpredictable if he has that expression on.

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