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When the morning came, she woke up to her alarm and Brad barging into her room

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When the morning came, she woke up to her alarm and Brad barging into her room. "Sweetie, I hope you don't mind me saying, but no matter how much sleep you get, ain't nothing gonna fix that face."

She sat up, throwing a pillow in the direction of the voice. "You're an asshole." She reached over, turning off her phone alarm.

"What do you want for breakfast? Cereal, pancakes?"

She sat up, hugging her legs to her chest. "French toast with the edges cut off." She smiled to herself as Brad simply laid out her outfit and walked downstairs, calling Tala with him. She missed him, she realized. Why? She didn't know, but she grabbed her phone and asked Siri to call Grey. As the phone started ringing she brought it to her ear. When she got voicemail, she internally sighed.

"H-hi. Sorry for bothering you...I-I just wanted to say I hope you have a good day." She's such an idiot. She hung up, and fell back onto bed, groaning into her hands. After a few minutes, she got up, got dressed, brushed her teeth, and then realized that her period, in fact, did not come.

When she walked into her kitchen, she could hear Brad talk to someone. "Marisol."

She smiled, happily. "Grey."

Brad squinted his eyes. "Why did you say his name like that?"

"Like what?"

"You know like what," he said, setting French toast on a plate. Marisol ignored him, going to Grey.

"I didn't get it. Not yet."

"We can reschedule the appointment then. When you do get it, call me immediately and we'll head over. I'm here because I wanted to take you to the appointment but that clearly cannot happen, so I can drive you to work instead."

Smiling, she nodded. "I'd like that."

"You sound like a schoolgirl," Brad laughed.

She groaned, reaching to wack Brad, but missed. Instead, she took her plate and started eating. "Are you hungry?"

"I had breakfast," he said. She nodded, finishing her breakfast. Once she was finished, she grabbed her purse and walked to Grey's car as usual. He sat in the back with her, but she could feel someone else was near as well.

"I never introduced you– this is Nolan. He's a business partner."

Marisol smiled, holding out her hand. The man took it with a strong grip. "It's a pleasure."

"Likewise. I was with you for a few meetings with Grey."

"I could sense you, but you hardly spoke. I thought you were mute," she joked.

"No, Grey just made sure I knew he wanted time with you."

She could hear someone groan as if someone hit someone else. She shrugged it off because of what he had said. "Time with me?"

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