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 "Where the fuck is my phone?" Marisol sighed frustratedly as she looked in the couch. Grey came down the stairs quickly after the completion of a meeting.

"What is wrong?"

"I can't find my phone."

"Babe," he said, grabbing her hand. "It's literally in your hand."

She looked at her hand, and surely enough, saw her phone. He thought she would be relieved, but instead, tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm so stupid. H-how could I forget–"

"Come here, come here," he said, pulling her into an embrace. "It's okay. It was just an accident."

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Marisol, it's okay."

As she cried into his arms, he smiled to himself, shaking his head. Her emotions had been all over the place lately, but he tried to be as understanding as possible. She was carrying three little lycans. She was also much bigger than last week, which they were told was perfectly normal.

Her back was leaned and her hand was always on her side to support herself. The backspin was crazy, but there were great moments of being uncomfortably pregnant. Greyson got her that pregnancy pillow, and it helped a lot with sleeping as she couldn't sleep on her stomach or back anymore.

Dr. Meredith wanted her to carry the triplets as close to forty weeks as she could. She told the couple that most likely, Marisol would go into labor before their scheduled C-section, which was on November 30th.

"It's a nice autumn day. Would you like to have a barbecue with the pack?"

She nodded through her tears. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

It only took an hour for the entire pack to gather and begin cooking on the grill. It was early September now. It wasn't as hot as the summer months, and she was so thankful. She was always so warm lately.

Greyson held her hand as she wobbled outside. He laid out a blanket and helped her sit before telling her he had to go help cook the burgers. She smiled at him as he left and smiled at a few women who came to sit with her. She had to admit, she thought the pack wouldn't be as accepting with someone like her as Luna, but they were all nice to her.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" Claire, a young woman from the pack, sat down on the blanket with her newborn.

"I'm okay. Actually, I'm so uncomfortable," she admitted.

"I know it sucks the closer you get to labor, but don't worry, as soon as you have them you're going to forget all the pain. How far along are you?"

"I'm 28 weeks now."

"You look great!"

"Thank you," she smiled. She looked down at the little baby wrapped in her blanket. Marisol gently brushed her tiny hand. "She's beautiful, Claire. Has she been sleeping through the night?"

"No, not at all. Ashton and I are exhausted, but we couldn't turn down a good burger. We'll probably leave soon." Claire watched as Marisol stared down at her baby girl in her arms. She chuckled softly. "Would you like to hold her?"

"Oh, no, it's okay–"

"You won't hurt her, I promise. It would be good practice."

"What if she cries?"

"She might," Claire responded with a small laugh. "That's what babies do, but that doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. If it makes you feel better, your babies will have a special connection with you and Greyson."

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