14: First Trimester

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Don't wolves, like, eat their young?"

Marisol sighed deeply at her friend. Brad continued on with his rambles about everything that happened the night before. He had stayed over, and since she couldn't sleep, he and Grey watched movies with her all night.

Now, with the sun fully risen, both her and Brad sat at the table. Since Grey had told them about his kind, the entire house no longer kept their wolves at bay. Marisol jumped hearing a growl from somewhere.

"Not the best thing to say considering I'm carrying his child."

"Well, the good news is I think only Alphas kill the pups."

"You're freaking me the fuck out."

"Really? I'm freaking you out? We are literally in a house filled with wolves!"

Marisol could hear someone near their table and both shut up. As the person sat next to her, she realized it was Abigail. "You do realize we can hear everything you say, right?"

Brad blushed and Marisol's eyes widened. "No," she whispered. "Sorry."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Marisol shook her head. "It's just... a lot. I just need time."

Abigail nodded then turned her attention to Brad. "In a few minutes my mate is going to ask you to come with him. He is going to take you to see the Alpha."

"Why? I didn't do anything."

"You're human. They have to insure you will not tell anyone else. They will not hurt you. I just wanted to warn you."

"Who's the Alpha?"

Abigail looked at Marisol. "Your mate."

Before Marisol could respond, Nolan walked toward the table and laid a firm hand on Bra's back. "Come with me for a sec?"

Brad stood and followed Nolan up the stairs. Abigail was left with Marisol. Marisol turned toward her friend, playing with her hands. Tala whined and she pet the top of her head with a small smile.

"You're taking the news of all this well."

"I'm freaking out," Marisol admitted. "I have so many questions."

"Can I answer any?"

"You said my mate...Grey told me I was his, but I am still confused about what it means. And h-how does all this work? And also," Marisol lowered her voice toward the end. "Do Alphas eat their kids? What about the moon? Are you guys tied to it?"

Abigail laughed hysterically. "Yes, Grey is Alpha, and yes he is your mate, but no he does not eat babies. None of us do. We can control our shifts, regardless, but during full moons we experience a deeper urge to do so. There are some things you should know, but Grey should talk to you about the mate bond."

"Is Nolan your mate?"

Abigail smiled brightly and her cheeks turned red. "Yes, he is. He's the Beta."

"The Beta is second-in-command?"


"Are there a lot of people like you? Do you have a president or a king?"

"There are many packs around the world. These packs are independent of one another and each are run by an Alpha. Greyson is our Alpha. And Carlisle was the previous Alpha."

"Well, I assume the mate of the Alpha has a name then? Or is this society as patriarchal as mine?"

"There are some female Alphas actually. So maybe a little less sexist," Abigail laughed. "Do you have any other questions?"

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