Release From The Tomb

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Elijah and Theta walked in the general direction of the tomb in comfortable silence, before Theta asked the question that plagued her mind the whole way there.

"Are you sure this is wise?"

"If it makes Elena trust us, then yes." Was Elijah's reply. 

Theta nodded unsure. "If you're sure." 

They then fell into silence once more. After a few more minutes, the duo finally approached the tomb. And in one single movement from Theta's wrist, the entrance to the cave glowed bright red removing the boundary spell. 

Inside of this cave was Stefan Salvatore, the vampire boyfriend, and Katherin Pierce, the ex of said vampire. Stefan held the lantern with a confused expression, while Katherine only had one of pure terror. Before muttering, "Elijah."

"Good evening Katrina." A smirk played on the eldest lips. "Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened."

After a small staring contest between the used-to-be lovers, Elijah turned his head to acknowledge Stefan. "Your release has been requested."

The confusion on his face worsed, he turned towards Katherine before looking back at him. "What, by who?"

"By Miss. Gilbert." Theta sighed. "She would only accept our deal if you were released from this dreadful place." She then pointed towards the tomb.

"Yes, the lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. Please, come." Elijah opened his stance to signify for Stefan to leave.

"I can't." Was all Stefan said.

"Yes, you can." Elijah disagreed. "My daughter had the spell lifted."

Silence fell around the four vampires, before the dirty blond took a few steps forward. Realizing he could leave. Katherine, seeing an opportunity, tried to run. However, she soon saw her attempt was futile. As Elijah knew she would try to escape from his wrath.

"As for you, however." Elijah began to use compulsion on Katherine. "You should not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are."

As soon as Elijah lost eye contact, Katherine snapped out of her trance with a look of horror mixed with confusion. "You're free to go." He said to the other male vampire. "Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her world, We'll keep ours." He pointed between himself and his daughter.

Then, they were gone.

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