The New Kids At School

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"I don't see the point in this." Theta muttered to Luka as she sat shotgun as he drove to the high school.

Luka gave a slight huff. "I know you don't, but it's what your father wanted."

"You make it sound like I'll do whatever he wants." Theta stopped staring out the window to glance at him.

"I'm not saying that and you know it." He told her strongly before sighing. "Look, the closer we get to the witch Bonnie, the faster the plan will go." After their tiny conversation, they parked in the front of the school.

Theta huffed as she began to open the car door. "Fine, but this is absurd."

A chuckle came out of Luka's throat. "You're only saying that because you graduated already."

"Three times actually." She corrected him. "Just because I don't like school, doesn't mean I don't get bored." Theta shook her head. "Oh, look who I found." She pointed towards two people, spotting Bonnie. "Let's go say hi."

After Luka nodded in agreement, the two walked over. "Excuse me! Do you guys know which way to the office?" Luka asked.

Jermey answered. "Yeah, yeah. Through the double doors then straight ahead, quick left and then your first right. You two must be new here."

Luka nodded. "Yeah, we are. It's kind of hard to hide it. My name's Luka." He stuck out his hand for Jermey to shake.

"I'm Theta." She gave a slight wave.

"I'm Jermey, this is Bonnie." He said as he shook the other males hand.

However, his mood seemed to shift when he saw Luka and Bonnie giving eachother heart eyes. "Hi, Bonnie." Luka said in awe.

Jermey tried to steer it away. "Anyways, Luka, Theta. I'm actually heading in that direction. Why don't you follow me? It can get confusing."

"Thanks man. It's nice to meet you Bonnie." Luka told her. 

Theta just gave a nod as a form of goodbye before following the two boys with one thought in mind. This was going to be easier than she anticipated.

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