Sparring Matches

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The sound of heavy grunts and the thumping of pads can be heard through the apartment the Mikaelson's rented. The father, daughter duo could be seen sparring. This was something the two did almost everyday once they met up again.

The match seemed pretty even, till Theta didn't watch where she set her foot. Her Father, using it to his adventure, used a low spin kick. Knocking Theta to the ground. 

Theta stayed on the ground for a few seconds trying to catch her breath, before doing a kip up, seeing as her father didn't help. 

"You've gotten better." Elijah commented.

Theta shrugged. "Naya helps. She's been training Henrik and I."

Elijah was confused. "The hellhound?"

"She's the best in her field, Papa." She gratefully took the water bottle Elijah handed to her. "Mother can't teach us, her work has been doubled since you left."

Elijah automatically noticed where the conversation was headed, sighed. "Theta, I can't always be down there. I have duties up here."

She scoffed. "How about the duties towards your family?"

"My siblings, your Aunt and Uncles are family." He tried to tell her.

"Exactly." Theta's voice rose slightly. "You want to kill Uncle Nik as some revenge plot. He is family, Father, or did you forget that?"

Elijah wasn't having it. "He threw the other half of our family in the ocean! Klaus is no brother of mine, not anymore."

"Then come home!" Theta pleaded. "Forget the doppelganger business. Your duties lie with Hell, with Mother, Henrik, me! You're the king for kingdom sake! Start acting like it."

Elijah's anger took hold. "We made a vow! Always and forever, I don't expect you to understand."

"Right." Theta scoffed. "Why would I, your daughter, know anything about always and forever. " She shook her head with a sigh. Completely drained. "I'm going to shower. I'll meet you at the party."

Theta Mikaelson walked out of the room after hanging up her gloves. Not sparing a glance at her vampire father. Who, ran his hand over his face. Still not believing that he just had his first real fight with his little girl.


I really hope this doesn't seem too out of character. 


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