Threats Of Exposure

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Theta stood next to her father as he talked to the town's Mayor. "Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there."

Elijah corrected her, with a smile on his face. A facade to keep up his and his daughter's backstory. "No, I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic."

"That's fascinating." Carol replayed before turning towards the half angel. "How bout you Theta? It seems you're following your father's footsteps."

Theta wanted to roll her eyes, after her fight with Elijah this morning, she really didn't want to be near the apes. But, she just smiled like a good little girl and spoke with a tone of politeness. "Oh, yes. I do love history and literature, almost as much as Henrik. Even if he's the one taking over mother's business."

Elijah gritted his teeth from the onslaught of information that leaped out of his little girl's mouth like a frog. It was bad enough the scooby gang knew about Theta. 

Carol didn't seem to notice the tension between the two. "Henrik? Is that your brother?"

This time it was Elijah that answered. "Yes, Henrik is her brother. My son is currently learning how to run his mother's business."

Carol smiled slightly at this information, pulling a small but noticeable flirty smile. "And are you and her separated?'

However, before she could get her answer, she spotted Damon Salvatore walking towards the three. "Damon."


"What a surprise." The older looking woman told Damon as he gave her a kiss on the cheek exchanging hello's. "Elijah, Theta. I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families."

The three out of the four stared down at each other while Salvatore gave a sound of agreement to the statement his friend told the duo. "Such a pleasure to meet you." He directed to Elijah. 

The oldest stuck out his hand to shake his subordinate's hand. "No. Pleasure's mine."

When Damon let go, he turned towards Theta, picking up her hand giving it a kiss. A true southern gentleman greeting to young women. "Damon Salvatore. A pleasure."

A slight sneer came across Theta's face, before scolding her features to look normal. "Theta Morningstar, and the pleasure is mine."

Carol Lockwood, still ignorant to the tension leaking between three vampires, spoke up after the introduction. "Well, I hate to leave you three, but I must talk with the other guest." She chuckled. "A mayor's job is never done." She then walked over to greet more people. 

"I think it's time we had a talk ourselves." Damon's question came out more like a statement.

Elijah agreed. "Perhaps. Lead the way."

However, before they could take a step, Theta put her hand to her father's chest. "I think Mr. Salvatore would prefer to conversate with someone closer in age." When Elijah opened his mouth to deny the request. Theta spoke once more with a slight undertone. "Besides, do you not have other duties to attend to?"

The two stared at one another. Daring to make the first move. However, Elijah knew how his daughter was. He was already lacking in her good graces. So, he backed down. He locked his jaw and gave a very reluctant nod to his only daughter. Letting Damon lead her away.

When the two found an unoccupied room. Damon, being the smartass that he is, commented about the obvious tension going on between the two Mikaelson. "You and daddy-dearest got into a spat, I take it."

Theta blew out a breath. "What goes on between my father and I is none of your concern." She then changed the subject. "Now, you wish to speak to me, Mr. Salvatore?"

The vampire nodded. "I was hoping we could have a word."

"We just had several, technically speaking. But, no matter. Where is Miss. Gilbert?" Theta's silver tongue responded for her.

Damon began moving his hands about. "Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem."

A sound of understanding came from the Princess of Hell's mouth. "Yes. I do remember hearing about that through the grapevine. So to speak."

"I'm sure you did since it was your families witch that saved the day." The full-blooded vampire spoke with a condescending tone.

Theta chuckled without any humor. "You are welcome."

All amusement left Damon's face. "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here."

"Because my father wants her safe." The hybrid shrugged. "Now, just stay focused on making sure the doppelganger stays that way. That is all we ask."

With that, Theta Mikaelson went to leave the room before Damon Salvatore sped in front of her. Having a threatening gleam in his eye that amused the female. "Not good enough."

Theta gave him a once over, then with only a fraction of her power she grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall, choking him slightly. Now, to the vampire's credit. He did try grabbing her throat in return, but she just flicked her wrist and his hand went crashing into the wall next to Damon's head. 

Damon, wide eyed from the display of magic, groans in pain. 

Theta tutted at the male mockingly. "Vampires, so incredibly ignorant." A slight giggle leaves her lips. "You think you can challenge a celestial being like myself?"

"You can't kill me, sweetheart." He chokes out. "It's not part of the deal."

Tired of his arrogance, she simply shushes him. Theta then conjures up a feather from her wings and thrusts it right into the neck of Mr. Salvatore. Watching him as he falls to the ground when she let's go. 

Making a small handkerchief appear in thin air, whips her hands on it. "I'm the Princess of Hell. You will do well to remember." She then hands the handkerchief to Damon. "As soon as you cease to be of use to my father, you will perish by my hands alone. Now, be a good little boy and protect Miss. Gilbert."

Theta then left the room, stopping when she saw the look on her father's face. Rolling her eyes as she walked up to him.

"I thought we agreed to not let your heritage be spoken about?" He scolded her.

Once again, Theta rolled her eye's. "The secret won't stay hidden, no matter how much you wish it to."

"Yet it could be controlled." Elijah's voice raised slightly, alerting people around him. He took a breath, talking quietly. "The way you openly discuss it will only put you in more danger, Theta."

"I can't be killed, father. I'm in no danger at all." Theta looked around, wishing to be home. 

"You sound like your uncle."

Theta snapped her head back to look at her father. No quite believing she heard him spit out the sentence like it was poison. How could her loving family fall so far, after all the memories they had shared? Had always and forever lost all meaning?

She could understand why her father wanted revenge. Kingdom, she did too. Just not with death, never. However, she wasn't thinking straight. The implication of what her father just told her made her blood boil.

"I rather be like him, then to be like you."

Those words shot out with a tone that burned hotter than hell's fire. A tone she had inherited from Lucifer herself, and Elijah knew this. But, that didn't stop the flash of utter betrayal in his eyes from her words. 

Without looking back she walked passed the stuned vampire hitting his shoulder with hers. Finally getting a chance to leave the human filled house.

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