Whatever Is Necessary

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"Good luck Rose." Slater then hung up the phone with a slight tremble. He stared at the phone, knowing what was coming next. 

"Very nicely done." Elijah compliments 

"Thanks, I have a degree in Theater." Slater then turns around to see the father daughter duo. "How can you compel me?

A vampire can't compel another vampire."

"We're a special vampire." Elijah smirked.

"Because you're an Original? And you're his daughter?" He questioned with fear.

A sound of agreement came from the oldest of the three. Before Theta spoke up. "Now, before we leave. I want you to take this and drive it through your heart." Handing him a wooden stake that seemed to be crafted with care.

The look of horror worsened on the vampire's face. "But, that would kill me forever."

"We know." Was all that Elijah said. "But it's necessary."

Elijah and Theta watched as Slater struggled to fight against the compulsion, but tragically he wasn't strong enough. He took the stake and pierced his heart, falling to the floor dead.

Dr. Martin, Luka's father, walked towards them with an unreadable expression. "Was it really?" He asked.

Elijah answers. "It had to be done." He turned towards the man with glasses. "He delivered his message. Won't be long now."

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