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T H E  N E W  M O O N


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AS the gifted made their way downstairs for supper, each of them sat down at the table. Most we wearing pyjamas but Elle noticed how her beloved duo, Noah and Madison appeared to be dressed up.

"Hey Jeeves. Can I get some iceberg lettuce with a side of blue cheese" Madison asked, her tone bitchy and demanding

"Be nice to spalding, poor bastard aint got no tongue" Noah laughed as he took a bite of his steak, his eyes settling on Elle as he ripped into it with his teeth.

"is that true Jeeves, did you use your tongue for something wicked?" A smirk settling on Madisons mouth as she spoke.

"Or maybe you just suck at going down" Her laughter turned to histerics, Alana and Noah joining her in the humour of upsetting the man. Elle however didnt seem to find it funny, and neither did Elijah.

The man, placed the last plate down on the table, glaring at the peers as he walked away, clearly upset by madisons harsh words.

"Oh come on jeeves, show us your stub!" She laughed even harder now, Elijah slamming his fist down against the table. ("thats enough Madison") Elle went silent as she watched Madison raise an eyebrow, looking from Elijah to Noah, as if she expected him to defend her.

"watch your mouth Elijah, or i'll show you what its like to suffer" Noah spat, slamming the bottom of his knife against the wooden table. Given Madisons clear grin, it was obvious she was enjoying this, treating everyone like trash and having her charming boyfriend act like a personal bodyguard, what a joke.

"So new girl, what are you in for" She asked, turning to face Elle

"her boyfriend" Milana shouted up from across the table

"Mal shut up, before you get yourself in trouble" Alana spoke up, Elijah giving her a soft smile as she tried to defend the blonde girl from gossip.

"did you kill him?" Madison asked, she was intrigued by this, wanting to know eveyrthing about this new girl and where she came from

"no i didnt kill him" Elle spoke up, glaring at the glamours girl with evil eyes

"god how pathetic, what did you do then? make him float in the air" she giggled, grabbing onto Noahs hand as he wrapped his other around her waist and leaned in closer to the conversation

"She barely looks strong enough to hurt a fly, im betting her only ability is healing dead worms" His laugh echoed as it joined in with Madisons, the rest of them being quiet as they listened intently.

"i erased his memory" The blonde spoke, now that she was saying it out loud it didnt seem as big a deal, if anything she felt pathetic for having such a useless gift.

Madison rolled her eyes, "god i was counting on it being something that was a huge waste of time"

"cut it out montgomery" Alana spoke up again, clenching her fists towards the girl and her mocking insults

"Oh Alana please do spare me the pitty, don't tell me our friendship now means nothing?" Madison questioned, pushing her plate away from her as she stood up from the table.

"Lets see if you have any fun in you shall we? Theres a frat party tonight, all of you are free to join, that is of course only if you arent complete boring assholes" she snapped, pushing her chair into the table as she walked away

"see you there" Noah winked towards Elle, laughing as she gave off a horrid expression

"We can always turn back" Alana whispered, warming up to the new girl slightly as she subtly grabbed her hand for support

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"We can always turn back" Alana whispered, warming up to the new girl slightly as she subtly grabbed her hand for support.

"whats madison in here for?" Elle whispered as the two walked down the empty street, soon to be accompanied by Elijah.

"She killed a man" He spoke, cutting over Alana as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. The brunette soon to release her hand from Elles and place it on the boys instead.

Elle wasnt as shocked as she expected herself to be, she knew whatever power Madison had, it had to be one of the strongest, it was clear through her personality.

"and Noah?" The blonde girl couldnt help but be slightly interested despite his harsh outcomes.("He controlled his father to shoot himself. The same as murder really, but he wasnt the one that completed the action") "so he can control peoples minds?" the girl asked, engrossed in the topic of conversation.

"its more than just that" alana spoke up. "He has the ability to control ones emotions, any actions they complete, any thoughts they feel. If he wanted to he could make you stand infront of a car, and you wouldnt be able to do anything but stand there, waiting for it to hit you. You wouldnt even be able to cry if he told you not to"

Elle was lost for words, she couldnt say much but stare at the ground as they neared the frat house, loud music blaring from inside. "and the two of you?" She asked.

"thats a story for another time" Elijah spoke up, noticing the dull expression which had settled on his bestfriends face.

"word of advice Elle, stay away from the both of them tonight. Almost all of our powers are portrayed through immense emotions and my bet is that Madison is going to try and stir you up until you almost explode, or in other words use your powers on an innocent. Just because yours may not be as strong as the others, doesnt mean it isnt powerful" Elijah spoke, leading them to the front of the house as the three of them sighed, slowly walking towards the entrance.

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