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THE Louisiana campus is still in shock over the tragic bus crash last night. Nine members of the Kappa Lambda Gamma were on board. Seven of the boys died on the scene. Two were rushed to Troost Medical Centre where they remain in critical condition. Officials will not confirm the identities of the deceased.

Madison walked past, clicking the off button on the tv as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. "Hey i was watching that" Sawyer called from the living room, rolling his eyes as the pissy blonde strutted around in 3 inch heels.

"Why it's yesterday's news" Noah snapped, glaring at him until he broke his eye contact. "They got any greek yogurt?" Madison asked, walking over to the waiter and holding her phone in her hand.

"We have to tell somebody what happened" Elle whispered to noah, trying to get his attention.
The boy ignored her, pushing past her and shoving her into the wall. The blonde got up, following his footsteps. "Theo, he was on the bus. He could still be alive" She begged him, but his eyes didn't meet hers. He pushed her hard against the counter, her skin splitting at her ribs as it collided with the cold marble.

"We are not going to tell anyone what happened, don't make me make you keep your mouth shut sinclair" He threatened, walking over to Sawyer as he took a seat at the table.

"What are we talking about, college boys?" An elderly voice sounded from the hallway, one which Elle did not recognise.

"The worlds not gonna miss a bunch of assholes in ed hardy t-shirts" The women continued as she put out her cigarette

"Who are you" Madison snapped, looking the lady up and down, however the woman didn't pay attention to her, she turned round to noah instead.

"You know i've got to hand it to you, that kind of level manipulation, that's not easy" Her eyes were on him and him only

"But you are an arrogant asshole, correct?" The woman laughed. ("Rot in hell you old hag") Noah groaned, getting up and walking towards the exit of the room. As he walked away the woman rose her hand, flicking her wrist slightly and sending him flying against the wall. He fell with a thud, rubbing his head as he groaned, Madison running over to him immediately.

"What the fuck is your problem you bitch" She shouted, cradling his head.

"I've read all your files and you're never gonna become great witches and wizards of our clan sitting around here at hogwarts under the confused instruction of my daughter" The lady sighed, dropping her cigarette against the floor.

"We are going on a field trip" She announces, turning to face Elle

"Jesus. Go change your clothes" She snapped, Noah laughing as the blonde grew red with embarrassment.

"Wear something...black" She shouted once more.

"WHERE are we going, it's too hot

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"WHERE are we going, it's too hot. My fucking vagina is sweating" Madison complained, pushing her blonde locks over her shoulder.

"I can gladly sort that problem out for you" Noah smirked, nipping at her neck as she spoke.

"The both of you make me sick, if i have to see that once more i'm chopping both of your hands off" She snapped as they crossed the street, Elle couldn't help but laugh at this, Alana doing the same.

"We are going to popp fountain. A kind of holy place for our order. Back in the 1970s, Mary Oneida Toups led an alternative coven down here. She and her sister witches would gather down there, proudly and publically, very much in the spirit of the times. But it was damaged during Katrina and the authorities used this an excuse to declare this sacred space a safety hazard" Before she could go on Madison interrupted

"Are we done with the history lesson now, because unless you're unaware, all of us are bored" She rolled her eyes, linking her hand in Noah's. Elle couldn't help but stare at their hands intertwined, a sharp strike of jealousy as his eyes met Madisons, a smile spread across his face.

"Somebody looks jealous" Alana whispered, giggling slightly as they walking in sync together.

"I'm not jealous, they just seem to really love eachother" Elle sighed slightly as they turned a corner. ("Love is definitely not the phrase i would use, he may be in love with her yes but she couldn't care less about him. It's quite sad really") Alana spoke, pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

"You know you never told me your power" Elle asked, looking over at the girl. ("She doesn't like to talk about it") Elijah cut in, Alana clearly thanking him for doing so. The blonde shrugged, clearly whatever she did still haunts her and she didn't intent on reopening any wounds.

"This is seriously the worst field trip ever" Madison moaned again, turning around and glaring at the trio for talking.

"She's the supreme" Elle spoke up, unsure of how she knew but she just did. Everyone eyes turned to face the blonde girl, confused with her choice of words.

"You know that one, she seems smarter than all of you put together" The elderly woman laughed, as she continued to walk. Madison scoffed, turning around to face her as she flicked her off. ("go to hell") She mouthed at Elle, wrapping her arms tighter around Noah and making sure she watched.

As the group entered the house a women stopped them

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As the group entered the house a women stopped them. "You can't just barge in without buying a ticket in advance" She snapped, glaring at the rest of the teenagers. The supreme stood still, staring into the women's eyes as she spoke. "You're giving us a tour for free" ("For free, of course") She smiled, gesturing them around the house. Noah couldn't help but smile, knowing that was the same power he had and he was damn well proud of it.

Elle turned round to face Sawyer, she noticed he seemed off, his eyes staring at the wall in front of them. "What do you hear?" Elle asked quietly, examining the boy. ("The lady of the house") He whispered back.

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