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 *:・゚✧*:・゚W H Y  D O  Y O U  C A R E𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙾 —NOAH

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"FUCKING hell" A boys voice was distorted, in the girls mind. Her body had become extremely weak and she could barely open her eyes. The rope had cut deep into her wrists and blood fell down her arms.

The boy ripped through the rope with his hands, holding onto Elle as she fell against him. Her body was ice cold, he worried for a second that she was in fact dead.

"Elle, Elle are you with me?" Noah's voice repeated as he pushed her soaking wet hair out of her pale face.

"help" The brunette boy called out towards the house, he sat Elle up against him, cradling her in his hands as he ran towards the building.

"I need blankets, someone run a bath now" He yelled, a lot louder than he had before. However Elle didn't flinch, she couldn't. Her vision was completely blurred and she was unsure of her surroundings.

"oh my god" Alana gasped, running over with towels and foil to keep the girl warm. "Elijah run a hot bath!" She shouted up to the boy. He didn't stop to question it, instead he paced for the staircase.

"What happened" Alana panicked, pulling her hand away as she flinched from how cold the girls skin was. ("Take guess") Noah barked, anger taking over him as he looked down at the girl infront of him.

"she could've killed her" Was all he said as he wrapped the blankets around her, cradling her tighter as Elijah announced that the bath was finished. "Let me help you carry her" Alana spoke, getting up to help. ("I can do it") Noah snapped, walking up the stairs with the blonde girl in his arms. Alana followed behind, walking into the bathroom.

"move" Noah shouted towards Elijah as he carefully placed Elle in the water, the girl flinched at the temperature of the water. She began to panic, thrashing at Noah's arms.

"Jesus you idiot, how fucking hot did you make it" Noah screamed, pulling Elle out as he turned on the cold tap. ("I didn't know-") "When you're cold it's ten times fucking hotter you moron" He snapped, not bothering to look at the helpless boy.

"It's okay Elle" Noah whispered, as she clung onto him for dear life, her eyes remained shut as water dripped from her body.

Alana turned off the tap as Elijah shut the door, making sure no one else could get in. Noah slowly lowered Elle back into the water, she winced at first but that stopped once her body had gotten used to the temperature. Her teeth chattered like crazy, causing the three to look at eachother in worry.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch" Elijah spat, pushing his hair back wish his hand as Alana filled a jug with water and ever so carefully ran it over the ends of the blondes hair.

"Oh trust me i'm already on it" Noah snapped, still holding Elle up in place. Alana turned over to face Elijah, giving him a look of confusion as he only nodded his head in agreement. The two were shocked my Noah's actions, how quick he was to help. How different he was acting.

Once Elle began to open her eyes again, her teeth only chattering slightly now as she looked down at herself and up at her three friends. "please, turn around. don't look at me" she gasped, covering herself with her hands.

"it's a little late for that doll" Noah laughed, grabbing a towel from the rack and holding it out for her.

The girls expression grew even more confused. "Noah?" was all she could say before the door burst open.

"You've got to be kidding me, what is this. The scooby doo gang coming to her rescue?" Madison laughed, glaring at Noah.

"Get the fuck out of here Madison, before i make you" Noah screamed, dropping the towel and storming over to his girlfriend.

"We both know i'm stronger than you, it's cute though but this whole hero act you have going on. It's not for you" She smirked, bringing her hand up to his face. He smacked her hand away, grabbing it as he pushed her back hard.

"This was low, even for you. We are done" He snapped, her face dropping completely as he said so. Her eyes teared up as she glared over at Elle, the girl remained silent as she sat in a ball, her legs tight up against her chest.

"Have it your way" The bitchy blonde snapped as she clicked her fingers, sending Noah flying back into the bathroom wall as the door slammed shut, locking the four of them inside.

Noah shook it off, getting up and helping Elle out of the bath. She gently pushed him away, wrapping herself in the towel as she looked up at him.

"So what you save me and now you think you're the good guy?" Elle laughed, walking towards the door.

"A thank you would be nice" Noah shouted from across the bathroom. Elijah and Alana were silent, watching the two intently as they spoke.

"go to hell" she shouted, storming out of the bathroom.

"you have some serious explaining to do" Alana raised her eyebrow, glaring at Noah.

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