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FaceTime with Baby❤️ 01:32


"Okay, baby. The tickets are purchased."


"Yay. I'm excited..."


"Me too, angel."


"And you're sure you're okay
with staying here? I'll be fine
if you want to stay in a hotel."

"Yes, of course I want to
stay with you. Niall can
suck it up, I want to spend
as much time with you as
humanly possible."

"Aw, Zee..."

"My name is daddy to you."

"Oh my god. Shush.
Ares might hear you."

"That's okay. He can
call me daddy too."



"You're crazy..."

"Crazy for you."

"Oh my god."

"By the way, I ordered a
little surprise for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's just something
that I thought you would
like. I got it delivered to
the address you sent me
last night."

"...what is it?"


"It's a surprise."




"What? I think you'll enjoy it."


"You're making me nervous."


"You're always nervous, rabbit."


"Why am I a rabbit?"


"Because you're cute
and fluffy like a bunny.
And you love carrots."


"They're delicious!"


"Silly rabbit."


"Shut up."

"Maybe I should add some
bunny ears to my surprise.
And maybe a little butt plug to
match. That would be so cute."

"Oh my god.
Is it lingerie?"



"Yeah. The government
must have known about
our conversation because
I got an ad for this really
pretty set and I thought
you would look amazing
in it. I mean... you'll look
amazing in anything, but
you know what I mean."

"Aw, Zaynie... I've never had anyone
buy me anything like that before."

"Really? I find that
super hard to believe."

"It's true. I haven't shared
it with many people."

"I guess that makes me
pretty special then, hm?"

"Yeah... really special."

"You're face is so
red, it's adorable."

"I can't help it!"

"I don't want you to.
I love the way you look
when you blush."

"Zen... shush. I feel like my
face is going to melt off."

"Sorry, rabbit."

"Oh my god. I hate you."


— 𐐪𐑂—

A/N: harry is a lil bunny wabbit & no one can convince me otherwise 🐰⭐️💫

ps. dis is short bc more updates coming today 🥺


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