Chapter Three

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I took off what Janet had so lovingly called 'the dragon suit' and slid on a dark blue mini dress with a light blue lace overlay. It was one of my favourite dresses so despite the semi-cold weather outside, I was determined to wear it.

"Should I take a coat?" I called out to Janet while I searched through my shoes for something appropriate.

"Only if you don't want it back!" Janet's voice seemed far away, so I assumed she was in her closet finding something to wear.

"Okay, no coat!" I called back. "Blue or black shoes? I have my blue dress on."

Janet appeared at the top of the stairs and tilted her head while she thought. "I think blue." She nodded and walked down the stairs. "Now let's get this over with. You know how much I hate the lines at this hour."

"And I also know how much you enjoy yourself every time I drag you out. So come on." I picked up my shoes and stepped out onto the front porch to put them on. Janet picked her purse up off the table and locked the door behind us.

The club was normally only about five minutes away, but in a miniskirt and heels, it was more like fifteen minutes.

"Why do we do this to ourselves?" Janet asked after we had been standing in the block-long line to get in for at least fifteen minutes. We had barely moved more than one square on the sidewalk since arriving.

"Because it's fun?" I offered up the best answer I could come up with, though I was starting to regret the decision myself. We took two slight shuffles forward to stay close behind the people in front of us as they let someone inside the club.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small group of loud people get out of a sleek, shiny black car. Three of them were wearing dark blue suits, which was wildly overdressed, even for this club.

The men in the suits pushed through the photographers lining the other side of the street, making room for the rest of the group to follow. The photographers jostled for position, snapping photos as the group passed by. They're probably trying to get a good shot for the tabloids.

"Oh, my God," Janet groaned. "I never thought he'd actually do it."

She took two steps before turning back to face me. "You stay here, okay? I have to go deal with this." She shrugged. "It's work."

I nodded. "Yeah, no problem. I'll keep your spot warm."

She turned away and walked towards the car and its occupants while I glared at the girls behind me, daring them to say anything about her leaving her spot in line. It didn't really work, because they weren't looking at me. At least I could say I tried.

I wanted to leave Janet alone with her work, but I couldn't help looking towards her and the gathered crowd near the car. I watched as she spoke with her hands and poked one of the men in the chest with her finger. He was a lot taller than her, but that didn't take much when she could barely reach the top shelf in the refrigerator.

I could tell from her hands that she was getting more agitated by the second, but the young man in the dark jacket oozed calmness with every word he spoke to her. Under the glow of the streetlights, his face almost shone a dark blue.

I snapped my head away from them when I noticed Janet turn back towards me.

I heard her shoes on the pavement before I heard her speak. "I cannot believe him! Even with an exam tomorrow afternoon, he's here, and he's already trashed. If he's not careful, I'm not going to be able to spare him."

I nodded like I knew what she was talking about and discreetly turned my head around to see what had become of the man and his friends. I couldn't see any sign of them. Maybe they went somewhere else.

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