Chapter Forty-Nine

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We walked back to the palace wrapped in each other's arms. I was carrying my shoes and draped in Clarence's jacket, hoping he'd forget I had it and I could keep it forever as a memory of this night. By the time we stepped through the palace doors, the stars were starting to appear in the sky.

"Oh, no," Clarence breathed.

"What?" I asked, a lump starting to form in my throat. Now is not the time to get kicked out of the palace.

"Well," Clarence began, "I'm pretty sure my mother saw us."

I sucked in the air through my teeth and groaned.

"And we missed supper."

"So she definitely knows something's up. Any chance there's anywhere we could run to?"

He shook his head. "And you might want to put your shoes back on before she catches us like this."

I let my shoes fall to the floor and stepped into them while slipping off his jacket. I handed it to him and enjoyed the way his muscles tensed as he threw it over his shoulders. He fumbled with the button and I jumped at the opportunity to be close.

"Here, let me help." I brushed his hand aside and slid the golden buttons through the small holes, being sure to attach the golden rope thing where it was supposed to go. If I'm going to do this, I should probably look up the name of the golden rope thing.

He looked around impatiently before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me again.

"I could do that forever," he said when we broke apart. "But I have a feeling my mother catching us at that would not go well for us."

I pouted and crossed my arms across my chest, but he was definitely right. It was time to be civil and proper.

A pair of high heels that could only belong to Queen Adele clicked down the hallway towards us and I knew this was the moment by which I would stay or go.

"Good evening," Queen Adele spoke as she rounded the corner, waving her hand so the guards would leave us in private.

"Good evening," I repeated back with a curtsey.

"Hello, Mother," Clarence replied without a bow. Shit! Was I supposed to--? No, it's okay. I'm right. I plastered a smile onto my face and reached for Clarence's hand without thinking.

He pulled away for a second and then reached out and took my hand confidently in his own. I couldn't stop the smile from my face.

"In future, I would appreciate notice if you are going to miss a formal dinner."

I mumbled something incoherent even to myself and Clarence nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am. It's my fault."

"I know." She smiled affectionately. "Now I think we should all take supper and discuss today's events."

I looked at Clarence, trying to gauge how scared I should be, but as usual, his face was stoic as a statue.

When we were all seated around a small table in Queen Adele's sitting room, and supper was laid in front of us, Clarence and I took to eating while Queen Adele merely sipped some tea.

"So," she said, folding her hands in her lap. "Let's talk about this event."

"Okay," Clarence said. "Let's. What do you want to discuss? How Genevieve impressed them so thoroughly or how much they want to work with her personally or how absolutely perfect she is for the job?"

Laying it on a little thick, eh? Maybe he thinks I'm about to get fired, too.

"No. About what they left with Janet and Semret after you two left. We've been trying to find you all evening to tell you they have officially signed the contract you drafted, Genevieve, and are looking forward to partnering with us for domestic and international projects. I had to make due with the photos we already had for the press release because someone--" she paused to look at us-- "had disappeared into thin air."

"I'm sorry." I looked down at my hands. "But I'm very glad they want to work with us. It's a wonderful initiative and I really think it will help the people."

"Us?" Queen Adele raised an eyebrow, perhaps hoping we would confirm her suspicions about where we were tonight.

"Yes," Clarence spoke up, "us. Genevieve and I."

A small smile crossed her lips and she turned away from us to look out the picture window.

I took three breaths before she finally turned around. "Indeed," she said, only the smallest hint of a smile remaining. "I'm very glad to hear it."

The way she was looking at me made me think she knew what Clarence and I had been up to. I raised my hand to my cheek in a futile attempt to mask my embarrassment.

Clarence stood up and pulled me along with him. "Now, Mother, if you'll excuse us. I think we've eaten enough and will retire for the evening. I will see you at breakfast tomorrow."

"Of course." She waved her hand. "There will be plenty of time to talk about this in the coming weeks."

We made it almost all the way out of the room before she called out to us. "And don't forget about your jobs, please. One good event doesn't put you in the clear just yet."

Oh, good. Something vaguely threatening to complete my night.

Who am I kidding? Nothing could ruin this.

The short journey back to my room didn't last long enough. Before I knew it, we were standing outside my door in front of the guards. I was so tired I could barely stand up straight, but so elated by what had happened that I never wanted to close my eyes again.

"Do you have to go?" I asked. Once the words were out of my mouth, I realized how they sounded and wished I could have them back.

When my eyes met his, he was staring at me with such an intensity I felt sure he would send the guards away right then.

"I do," he sighed, leaning in to give me a hug. He ran his hand over my hair and whispered, "But I don't want to."

A shudder ran through me. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, still holding his hands in mine as he tried to walk away.

"I'll come get you for breakfast?" He took another step away, and I stretched my arm further. Eventually our hands broke apart and he waved at me.

"I'd like that," I said, so low I wasn't sure he could hear me.

Turning towards my room, I waited for the guards to open the doors and then stumbled my way to bed, barely taking a second to change and get ready. Poor Marinette would find me in such a state the next morning.

I drifted off to sleep dreaming of what could be. 


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