Chapter Twenty-Seven

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There was a minor dispute between King Richard and Clarence when the latter insisted I be in the photograph, but it was entirely a battle of the eyes. Through some combination of glares, my dedicated 'boyfriend' had won. He led Princess Madeline and me to our spots, standing on either side of him as his parents, King Richard and Queen Adele, sat in front of us.

The photographers moved some lights around, dabbed powder onto our faces, and moved our hands into position so we looked just right. One of them came over to me and tilted my head, then came back to readjust it a few times. Everyone else was a pro, needing little direction, so they all stood silently while the photographer adjusted my head a third time.

"I'll just flip your dress around here so it catches the light better," she spoke as she worked.

I would have said it was fine, but I was scared to move after every part of me had been so unnaturally posed. How does anyone look natural in these things? I'm guessing Clarence and Madeline have done this a fair few times, given how effortless they look.

Everyone in place, lights shining on us, we smiled as the photographers took seven shots. Apparently seven is important for some reason, because they counted them down.

When we were finally finished, I had a small kink in my neck and my mouth felt like a desert.

"Water?" Clarence managed to read my mind again.

I nodded, thankful not to have to ask. "Yes, please."

He winked, leading me to the door of the room. Before he dragged me through it, I half turned around and curtseyed, not wanting to anger the king.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I stumbled down the hallway after him.

"We're going to get water."

"Are we getting it from the lake?"


Resistance seemed futile. No need to upset the king and the crown prince in one night. Might as well go with the flow. I jogged down the hallway with him, watching as he checked around corners before we turned them, and wishing I had more practice running in heels.

"Is there a reason you're acting like this is a stealth mission?" I finally asked when we were waiting for a hallway to clear.

"Because it is a stealth mission." A smile crossed his face. "If people know where we've gone, they will surely find us."

My heart fluttered, and heat rose into my cheeks. "Am I going to lose my job for this?" I tried to cover my reaction.

He peeked around the corner to check the hallway again. "I doubt it. It was clearly my fault." When he found the hallway empty, he pulled on my hand. "Come on, let's go."

"Will you ever tell me where I'm going?" I slipped on the polished marble and had to grab his shoulder to keep my balance. His hand slid around my waist and pulled me close to him, steadying my feet under me. It would be so easy to just-

I shook my head. "Sorry about that." I pulled away from him and brushed my dress so it sat comfortably against my hips. When I raised my eyes to meet his, I noticed his eyes were also floating upwards.

I stood there, staring at him for a moment. Neither of us blinking. Neither of us willing to break the gaze. We might have stood there forever were it not for the sound of someone approaching.

"We gotta go," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through an archway and into a short hallway with double doors at the end.

"Where are we going?" I asked again when he pushed the exterior door open.

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