Chapter Thirty-Five

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The walk back to my room was the longest of my life. I could feel the eyes of the palace staff lingering on me a little longer than usual as I kept my eyes straight ahead and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. What am I supposed to be feeling right now? How am I going to learn this so quickly?

Oh, no. I suddenly stopped walking right in the middle of a hallway. What am I going to tell my mom? I can't tell her the truth, so what can I tell her? I noticed the eyes of a nearby guard staring at me as the fear crept up my body like lava out of an erupting volcano.

I took off down the hallway faster than I had been before. When I finally reached my room, I didn't wait for the guard to open the door, instead flinging it open myself and closing it suddenly behind me. My back to the wall and my head in my hands, I tried not to worry.

"Miss?" I heard Marinette whisper as her hand rested on my shoulder. "I mean, Genevieve, are you all right?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them, blinking away the tears that had formed. "I'm not sure, honestly."

"Would you like me to fetch some tea?"

I shook my head and walked over to sit on the couch. "No, I'm fine. I just had a difficult talk with the queen."

"Oh, no, Miss." Marinette sat down beside me, which probably wasn't technically allowed, but I didn't mind. "Is she disapproving of your relationship with His Highness?"

"No, it's not that." I furrowed my brow. Is that what everyone is thinking?

"Oh I'm glad," she patted my shoulder before standing up. "I think you two are a lovely couple." She smiled knowingly.

"Thank you." I tried to smile back, but my mind wouldn't stop racing. "I just have a lot to learn about being a princess and I had a bit of a fight with Clarence this morning and it's all just a lot to take in."

Marinette mumbled something and paced back and forth in front of the couch, stopping periodically to take a good look at me. "I don't know what to do about His Highness," she said finally. "But I can definitely help you with the princess thing. Olivia's been making me study everything from cutlery to politics to proper attire. We've been at it almost every waking minute for weeks."

"Queen Adele mentioned bringing Olivia in later to help me, I think with my outfits."

"Perfect, because I can't seem to understand that worth anything." She shrunk back in fear a little bit. "I'm sorry about this morning's shoes. Olivia really tore into me over that. I hope you didn't get into any trouble."

Only a lot. I smiled to reassure her, hoping she couldn't see my worry. "No, it's fine."

"Oh, good," she breathed. "So, where shall we start? Walking? Curtseying? History?"

"Walking?" I asked, unsure what I could possibly be doing wrong with walking. But she seemed to take it as a confirmation of our next task, disappearing into my bedroom and returning with a pair of very tall stiletto heels.

"All right." She put the shoes down beside me. "Let's get started."

I stared at her, my mouth slightly agape.

"Do you need help with your shoes, Miss?"

I glared at her.

"I mean, Genevieve."

"Sorry," I stood up and removed my flats. "I just didn't know I was walking wrong all this time."

"I wasn't there, Miss Genevieve," she added my name as if catching herself part way through. "I just thought we could start with something simple like walking and curtseys. Olivia will have to do the difficult stuff like how to keep your dress from flying up, but I can get you started with the basics." She smiled, attempting to be reassuring, but I could feel myself shaking as I donned the very high heels.

"So, where do we start?" I asked Marinette, hands on my hips and shoes on my feet. "I'm ready to walk."

Before Marinette could answer, there was a knock at my door. My heart leapt into my chest. Was it Clarence coming to apologize again? Was the Queen here to check up on me already?

"Come in," I called out, so the guards knew they could open the door.

I forced myself to look at the doorway as the massive doors swung towards me and in walked my best friend.

"I came as soon as Clarence told me." Janet walked over and hugged me. "I gave him a stern talking to, don't you worry."

"Thanks." I rubbed my hands over my skirt, smoothing wrinkles that weren't there. "I'm just still so worried about this learning to be a princess thing. And, I don't know if he told you, but the queen..." I glanced at Marinette, searching for words that wouldn't betray our secret.

I implored Janet to understand with my eyes. "The queen spoke to my mother about the situation and is aware of the particulars of my work situation this past year. As a result, Queen Adele has me under an even more watchful eye than usual."

Marinette cut in. "So we're going to help her learn what she needs to know and impress the queen." She leaned in to whisper the next part, probably hoping I wouldn't hear her say, "because I think Genevieve and His Highness are going to be a perfect King and Queen one day."

"Thank you, Marinette." Janet struggled to contain her giggling. "If you could fetch us some tea, I'm sure Genevieve would be most appreciative." I saw Marinette's eyes light up at the use of my familiar name rather than 'Miss Levin.' Janet really knew how to get people to do what she wanted.

I should know. She's used her powers on me once or twice.

"Of course, Janet. Right away." Marinette practically skipped out the door to get me some tea.

"Where did they find her?" Janet laughed as the doors closed behind Marinette. "She has endless energy."

"She's new." I shrugged. "And I think she's more excited about working for a princess than anything else. But she's harmless. She wants to help and I trust her."

Janet raised an eyebrow, clearly remembering my careful choice of words earlier.

"Okay, I think I trust her, but I'm still worried about people finding out the truth." I sighed and sat down on the couch. "Queen Adele told us she'll keep it under wraps for now, but if there's any more slip ups or palace gossip, we're in trouble. Like 'the whole world knows what I've done and my hope of working in public relations is shot forever' kind of trouble."

"I'm sure it's not-"

"Janet." I held my hand up to stop her. "No offense, but please don't tell me it's not bad. It would be a lie and we don't have time for this. I need to learn to act like a princess. And fast."

"All right," Janet smiled and pulled me up off the couch. "In that case, let's get started." 


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