Chapter Thirty-Two

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No sooner had I landed on the couch than the door opened again. I looked up, expecting Clarence to stroll back through the door apologizing for his harsh overreaction, but instead I saw Janet.

"I'm so sorry," she rushed over to my side and wrapped me in a hug. "I can't believe they did that to you without speaking to me first. I mean it was my idea and I just feel so bad and a little bit responsible and-"

For some reason, her worry calmed me down enough to get words out. "It's not your fault, Janet. I don't think even they could tell me what I did wrong. It's like I did nothing wrong but the press says I did so all of a sudden I've done something evil or something." I threw my hands up and let them fall to my lap with a light smack sound.

Janet's face contorted into a grimace. "I mean, basically that's what it is, yeah. When I discussed the ball with His Majesty last night, he seemed to be under the impression it went well. I mean, he did ask me to talk to Clarence about a certain disappearing act that was pulled-" she raised her eyebrows- "but it seemed like that wasn't on you," she added, probably in an attempt to reassure me.

"So then what happened?" I asked again, trying to keep my frustration from turning into anger. "What do they want from me?"

"I haven't been to speak with him yet today." Janet shrugged. "But I will find out and let you know what happened."

"Oh that won't be necessary-" I stood up and walked towards my bedroom- "Because there's no way I can stay in a place that treats me like this. I've stayed where I was treated poorly before. I did it for too many years and ended up with nothing to show for it."

"Okay, but that was different." Janet trailed behind me, her arms flailing wildly as she spoke. "I mean, for one, you aren't really dating Clarence. So it's not actually the same thing. And for the second, I'm here to help you this time."

"No offence, Janet, but what does that change?" I fell backwards onto the bed, feeling it bounce beneath me as my weight was distributed over the surface. "I'd need to learn years worth of material in only three days."

"And you could do that." Janet's attempts at reassurance weren't very believable, but I appreciated the effort.

"No," I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "I definitely could not. I just want to pack it in and avoid any more trouble."

"Okay, but packing it in is big trouble," she reminded me. "Like 'no money for you and no more job for me' kind of trouble."

I hate it when Janet is right. "So what?" I threw out my last attempt at a fight.

"So can you at least give me a few days to try to fix this before you quit on me?"

I rolled over to face her, and she seemed sincere. "Okay," I sighed. "But if he yells at me again I might be done before your few days are up."

"I can't make any promises," she winced, "but I will do my best to settle him down. I probably should go figure out what's going on, though." She turned to leave and then spun around. "I mean, if that's all right with you."

"Yeah-" I was about to answer her when the doors went flying open and Marinette slid through them, panting as she spoke.

"Genevieve." She noticed Janet and corrected herself, "I mean, Miss. The queen. She wants. To. Speak with you."

"What?" I asked, though I heard her just fine.

"The queen wishes to speak with you in her office." Marinette curtseyed. "I'm to escort you there immediately."

I looked at Janet, who shook her head. "I have no idea," she answered my question without me having to ask it. She looked like she was torn between staying with me and going to find out what was going on.

"Go, Janet." I waved my hand to dismiss her. "I'll be fine here."

She didn't look at all sure that I was telling her the truth, but she left. That's fair, because I'm not at all certain I will be fine.

As soon as Janet had left, I turned to Marinette. "I guess we should be going. Wouldn't want to keep the queen waiting. Please lead the way."

"Yes, Miss." She curtseyed and led me out into the hallway of the palace. The guards, who must have heard everything that just happened, somehow remained expressionless outside my door, closing it behind us as we stepped through.

"Do you know what this is about, Marinette?" I whispered once we were out of earshot from the guards.

She turned to face me and shook her head. "No, I wasn't told anything. Olivia just told me to fetch you and bring you to speak with Queen Adele as soon as possible." She must have sensed my nerves, because she added, "I'm sure it won't be anything terrible. I haven't been here long, but Queen Adele has always been kind and fair."

"I hope you're right," I said quietly. I'm pretty sure she heard me, but she didn't say anything.

We rounded one more corner and stood in front of a door with two guards attending it. I knew we had arrived even before Marinette told me so.

"Thank you, Marinette. You may tend to your duties."

"Thank you, Miss." She curtseyed and left.

I squared my shoulders towards the door and took a deep breath. After counting to three, I nodded to the guard on my right. "You may announce me, if you please."

He bowed his head and turned to face the door, delivering three short taps with his knuckles.

"Enter," Queen Adele's voice came floating through the door.

I pulled my shoulders back as the doors swung open to reveal another ornately decorated room dominated by a large, carved wooden desk in the center.

"Please be seated." Queen Adele gestured to one of two chairs sitting in front of the desk and the doors closed silently behind me as I took my seat where she requested.

I didn't say anything, worried that if I tried to speak, what little food I'd eaten today might come back out instead of words.

"In the future," Queen Adele spoke softly, but I still felt myself cowering into my chair, "You should work to ensure you curtsey as soon as you enter the room."

They were right. I had no idea what I was doing. Who forgets to curtsey to a queen?

"Of course, Your Majesty," I started to stand up to curtsey.

"Royal Highness," she corrected, "And please don't trouble yourself, that's not why we're here today."

Why are we here today? I wanted to ask, but thought it best to wait for her to speak to me, given how many times I'd screwed up so far today.

The silence enveloped us for far too long to be comfortable, and I opened my mouth to ask the question, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Oh, good," Queen Adele turned to me. "We're all here."

"Enter," she spoke loudly enough for the guards to hear and the doors swung open. 


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