Chapter 6: Vampire

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Leo's POV:

She walked rather quickly into the hall way. I could easily tell she didn't want to do this but just has to.

I went closer to her and dragged her hand so she'll turn around and start facing me
"What?!" She asked little bit angry and I just felt the urge to tease her some more
"I didn't catch your name the last time we met" I said smirking
"My name is Anya, so please let me go, OK?" She said a little frustrated
"Nice name you got there, I mean, a name like that and no one will even suspect that you are a slut?"
"I am not a slut ok, call me anything but not a slut, what even made you dare call me a slut?" she asked folding her  hands
"Well, for one thing, you kissed a total stranger......"
"Your girlfriend is even a worst slut then, she did not only kiss a stranger but take a look at what she was wearing. A complete cheap prostitute"
"I don't hang out with her anymore, so insulting her won't hurt me at all" I stated making her more angry then she begins to twitch her lips
"So, that means you're single"
"For now, yes, but this is a new school and I'm pretty cute, you know how every girl dies for the cute new boy right?" I said ruffling my hair and smiling in order to expose my dimples making me look hotter
"And who told you that you are cute?". She asked annoyed now dropping her hands she had been folding
"I heard it from a lot of gossiping girls when I entered the school and I've been hearing it all my life too" I said smirking boastfully and the more happy I became, the angrier she seemed to get and it made me like every single second of it
"Well, I've seen cuter"
"Yeah, probably from one of those stripping clubs you attended" this time she gets angrier, she starts to point a finger at my face
" I have told you so many times not to compare me to a slut. I am Anya Dewills, and no one insults me and gets away with it, just watch and see"

I was actually shocked by her outbreak. I really didn't expect it. But I didn't show her that instead I held her finger and asked
"O really?, what are you gonna do to me Miss Dewills"  she angrily puts down her fingers and then stares at me for a little while before continuing;
"Look, I was only asked to show you around I'm not supposed to talk to you, you moron" she said in a harsh tune obviously still pissed off
"But I'm talking to you and there's nothing you can do about it" I answered teasingly
"If you don't want this then leave me alo......."
"You are right, I don't want this" I said and then with my shoulder, I pushed her and her back hit the locker, then I went over and pressed my body against hers so she won't be able to escape " I want this" and then I began to lean closer to her

To be honest, ever since I kissed her that night, I've been thinking about it and seeing her here talking to me with her lip gloss on...... I just couldn't hold myself.
I was about to kiss her when she stretches over and bite my neck so hard that I had a small cut that started to bleed.
"Ouch" I said painfully
"You were about to kiss me again and I haven't even tried to promote my kissing skills" she said and struts away.

I can't believe that Anya is a Vampire

Author's note:
Hey guyz,
I know this is a really short chapter
But that means chapter 7 will be really long..Yay.
In my opinion this chapter was weird, why is Anya such a pain on the neck to Leo
See what i did there?
No puns intended though
I promise I'll update you guys as soon as I can.
Stay home and stay safe

#rietta cares

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