Chapter 10: For Tonight (II)

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Leo's POV:

"OK then, only for tonight" He said giving me a smirk

She doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. I know she didn't believe my without a girlfriend story but why she still agreed I don't know, I didn't even expect her to say yes, I was just pulling her legs but since she already said yea then it'll be nice yo take advantage of that.

I take hold of her hands and pull her to get some drinks, I got myself  whiskey and to my surprise, she took soda
"Aren't you supposed to be the baddest girl at Addison High?, so you drink soda at parties uhh?"
"Of course I am and I'm only drinking this soda because I don't want to get drunk today especially since I'm on a day date with YOU" she said putting stress on the 'you'
"You don't have to lie, if you don't know how to drink then just DA so, it's not illegal you know" I said teasingly but she seemed to have taken it seriously
"One bottle of polished vodka please" she said to the bartender
"Seriously?!, that's ninety-six percent alcohol, you can't handle that amount of alcohol" I said to her seriously now
"I can do whatever I want to" she said collecting her drink and started gulping it down.
There was no stopping her now, she's get drunk and after that she'll have a terrible hangover.

She finished the bottle of vodka and ordered another one, I wanted to stop her but yet again she won and gulped it all down. I'm not sure she's had this amount of alcohol in her body before because when she was done drinking, she looked as though she would drop down and faint any moment from now.

"O, Leo why did I drink so much and why did you let me" she said hitting my chest.
I was about to talk back when Kendra showed up from nowhere looking furious
"Excuse me, why are your hands on my boyfriend?"
"Actually it's your boyfriend that's on my hands" she said turning back to face her even though what she said  didn't make any sense
"That doesn't even make any sense" Kendra said trying to keep her cool
"Your life doesn't make any sense" Anya said back making  me put my glass of whiskey in my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"I'm not the one going around flirting with peoples boyfriends" Kendra said crossing her hands more angrier than before
"Is that your best comeback, I could drink a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better statement than whatever you just said" she said looking directly at Kendra's eyes
"You flirt with my boyfriend and now you are insulting me huh, stupid slut" Kendra said obviously out of words
"You call me a slut but you're the one with a public part....." But before she could finish her statement Kendra screamed and pointed her finger at Anya's face
"Hey, I'm the one who threw this party and I can kick you out if I want to"
"No need to kick me out I was leaving anyways, this place was typically boring anyways" she said then faced me "come on baby, let's go" and then she held my hands and went outside with me following her  while Kendra continues screaming inside and people started looking at her.
We went to my car and sat in the back seat
"So, your calling me baby now uhh?"
"I did that to make her jealous, remember I don't love you" she replied obviously drunk
"But you looked like you meant it"
"If I did, what would you have done?"
"Then I would have kissed you" I said teasingly and laughing
"Then I did" and then she leant in to kiss me
I wanted to kiss her too but then I remembered she was drunk so I stopped the kiss

"What's wrong"
"You're not supposed to kiss me, this is a fake date besides you are not yourself, I better take you home so you'll ..............."
I could not even finish my sentence as she leaned over to me and kissed me so good that I couldn't stop her so I just followed her lead..........

Anya's POV:

I woke up with a severe headache, I don't remember what happened yesterday at all, o think I'm having a hangover. I scratched my eyes and let them open. I threw the blue duvet off my body and ........ wait a minute........ I didn't dress my bed on a blue duvet and I know Amelia won't dress my bed, could it have been mum?. Maybe, I shake the thoughts away and stood up from the bed and wore the black oversized slippers that was wait my slippers are normally red.......and my size.......this isn't my room, this isn't even my house.

Suddenly the doors open and Leo comes into the room
"So, sleeping beauty is  finally awake?" He said smirking holding a tray if some food items


Author's note:
Hey guys,
I'm so happy that I was able to get 96 reads and 101 votes. Tnx a lot you guys I love you all.
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