Chapter 15: Um..........3

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Anya's POV:

Just then as we were all talking and laughing, I felt my phone vibrate, I checked it to see the called ID and it was..............
DAD............ Now, I'm in for it.

I looked at Leo and somehow he just knew something was wrong, he excused us and pulled me away
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned
I would have told him but, hello, my EGO
"Nothing, I just have to be going" I replied
"Why so soon?"
"Because.........this party is boring, yh that's why" I said and he gave me 'do-you-think-I'm-stupid-enough-to-believe-you-look'
"Seriously" I said trying to prove I'm not lying only for him to give me an 'I-didn't-say-you-were-lying-in-the-first-place-look'

He's so not believing me for anything I say, I'll just have to tell him the truth
"OK, look, my dad got back from work a few days ago and he doesn't usually allow me go out for anything talk more clubbing, He called me just now and I didn't answer because then he'll know exactly were I'm at and I don't want that but I'm still in trouble anyways for not being at home at midnight or something and now I have to be getting home as soon as I can" I said expecting him to mock me but he didn't
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?, come on let's go" he said turning to leave
"LET'S" I asked surprised
"Yeah, you said your dad just called you, getting home late would get you into more trouble considering the fact that you didn't bring a car" he pointed out
"True but I'll get into more trouble if I get home with a boy" I said
"I won't come too close to your house, I'll just drop you in front of your neighbour's and  then leave, OK"
"But what about your party?"
"I'm sure Michael can take care of it" he said
"OK, fine let's go" I finally said and some minutes later we were in his car and I was showing him the way to my house.

A few minutes later:
We were already at my neighbour's just like he said. I wanted to thank him but, hello, my EGO, so I just got down from the car and left him to go inside the house. OK, now it's time to die.

"Welcome home Anya" my dad said as soon as I entered. At least he got the name right.
"Dad, I......"
"Went out partying again huh?!"
"No dad I was........."
"Be quite Anu" o and now we're back  "Why do you always do this you know you're the first child, you ought to be responsible, you ought to be a told model for Amelia, I never imagined my first daughter to be a club addict, you are a disappointment Anya" he shouted angrily at me (again getting our names right but that's not the point). Amelia and mum were there, mum was just looking at me emotionlessly while Amelia was giving me an I-tried-my-best-but-he-still-found-out-anyways-look.

"I'm sorry dad" I finally said
"I don't really know what to do with you, obviously giving you more punishments won't make a difference and you're too stubborn to be advised, you never listen to anyone, you're a disgrace, I just hope Amelia doesn't grow up to become like you" he said before walking into the room leaving just the three of us in the living room

"Mum I'm......" I said to break the silence but just got interrupted instead"
"I'm not blaming you Anya and don't worry about your dad, he'll get over it, he's probably just angry cause he got an emergency call earlier and now he has to go back tomorrow" mum said with a smile. I love that woman's attitude.
"Really dad's going back?" I said trying to hide my happiness because duhh, I'm still in trouble
"Yes, honey" she said getting up and moving close to me "Now you better get going to bed, you must have had a drink or two, I'm not in for a hangover you know" she said then kissed my forehead and went in to sleep

"OK, what happened here?" I asked Amelia as soon as mum left
"I swear, even I don't know how he found out, but you're still doing my chores anyways because my part of the job was to cover up for you which I did, dad finding out was not my problem" she answered
"O, you little rascal"


Leo's POV:

I dropped her off at her neighbour's and she just smiled and walked in, just like that, no thanks, no nothing. She ready does have a huge ego.

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