fifteenth: pillowtalk*

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"That looks like the big dipper."

I chuckled, leaning into him. "That doesn't look like the big dipper at all."

"You're a know it all, are you not?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's literally Orion's belt, Gray."

He sighed, resting his chin on my shoulder and kissing my ear as shivers of pleasure ran up my spine. "You're of those really hot, sexy nerds who know everything."

I laughed. "I think I am."

He bit my ear teasingly as I chuckled harder. I gazed up at the open, grey skies above us. It was dusk by the time we had finished our amorous session, followed by a lunch and finally a two hour drive to Grayson's new place in the East. It was a small apartment but the balcony in front provided a great view of the sky. We sat leaning against the wall. I was sitting between his legs as his arms encricled my waist. I gazed to where our legs lay entangled and leaned into his firm, strong chest. His hands around me felt protective. Secure.

He sighed softly, leaning back against the wall as I snuggled deeper into his chest. "Are you enjoying classes Xavier?"

I took a deep breath. "They're...okay. I just...I miss you all the fucking time Gray."

He stroked my arm gently. "I miss you all the fucking time too, Xaby," he fell silent. When he spoke next, his voice was guarded. "I...figured out who attacked you."

The air rushed out of my lungs as he mentioned the assault. His arms pulled me closer. I gazed at the tall buildongs surrounding us, gazing at the twinkling lights inside the miniscule windows. I couldn't help but feel safe with Gray's warmth around me. I spoke in a low voice, not trusting myself to speak louder. "Who?"

"Reznick," he said softly. "Our...our home was ransacked," the air rushed out of my lungs. "I'm sorry I didnt tell you but..." his hands squeezed my arms. "I'm glad you weren't theere."

I shuddered slightly. "How...did you catch them?"

"They're local goons. I've dealt with them before," he kissed the spot below my ear comfortingly. "They're locked up now, baby. You're okay."'

"Reznick?" I tried to act nonchalant but stil felt uneasy.

He sighed softly. "He's lying low. Fled the country for a while. I guess he's hoping it'll be glossed over."

We were quiet again. I decided I needed to create a distraction. "I...I was thinking about maybe getting into medicine someday."

He inhaled sharply. "That's bloody amazing Xavier!" he exclaimed. "You'd be so good at it!" he kissed my cheek. "How come you thought of that?"

"I guess it's somewhere always been in the back of my head. I went to Northwood Hospital this week and met this doctor, Victor Montgomery. Kinda...rekindled my passion again I think."

"Is that part of your major, baby?"

"No, just this guy, Caleb," uttering his name made a hot flush rise up my cheeks and I quickly rushed ahead. "He's this biology major and has a rapport with Montgomery and thought it would be a good idea for me to meet him. Maybe try to get some clarity on my future.

"That's...really nice of him."

I felt a twinge of fear in my chest. I didn't want him to get jealous. Trust was going to be very important if we wanted this to work.

I turned my face towards him and kissed his cheek. "Gray?"


"I love you."

Xavier (Sugar Baby 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now