The fight 1/2

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"Hello Camp campers, we are here to make you lose in a competition." Everyone was confused even Y/n. "What competition?" Y/n asked. "Oh, you haven't heard, well then, you better get ready because were about to beat you at this and be very great and everyone well be in wood scouts uniform. Now if you'll excuse us we must do exercise." "That's a shock" Max said. The campers laughed and giggled. "Well get ready because the judges are here." Everyone looked to the side and saw three men with a voting booth. "Move out of the way bitch." We all looked back and saw the flower scouts all looking sassy."Did the barbie world come or there's a sassy girl." Max said. The campers laughed even Y/n laughed. "HEY DOGE THIS!!" A blue haired girl threw a axe at Max. Y/n moved Max out of the way. The axe then hit a tree and split in half. "Meh, I've seen worse." Y/n said.

"Whatever" A pink girl said. "Heyyyy nieeeeel!" A yellow girl tackled Neil onto the ground."Ok and I thought that dude was weird."Max said."Alrighty everyone today's the day". A random old man said. "Um im, sorry who are you?"Y/n asked. "Well it's me, Cameron campbell!"

Let's get stared (counselors are included)

"First well have to do a proper walking form." Well this will be easy.....not.The girls then showed a opstical with toxic gew. First up was Camp campbell.Spacekid was first but fell in the gew.Max tried to doge a stone with spikes but got pushed and fell.Y/n catched him. Nikki was next she doged every stone and made it.Y/n catched her and Neil. The wood scouts were next.A gaint man graded a stone with spikes as the other two went on. The big man fell."WE WILL AVENGE YOU".Flower scouts finally. Each one of them were walking and talking to the stones like they were people.

Score-Camp campbell 3
Wood Scouts 69
Flower scouts  119

"Next well have to ride a boat to that island,GO!"

The Wood scouts were first the big man was doing the row while they were doing nothing.

"Row row" one of the Flower scouts said a girl.

While they were already going Y/n was trying to help the campers. "Try this." Y/n saud.She first tied the paddles and made some weird contraction. "What's this?" Max demanded. "Something I learned, first you spin the wood and the paddles move at the same time."

They took of.Before they took of Max whisperd"thank you"

Score Camp campbell 20
Wood scouts 72
Flower scouts 120

Challenges went on and on. Then the counselors turn was here.The first one was to create a totem pole in 40 seconds (Wood scouts)

The second was that we had to cross a posion lake with wasp's and snakes.(Flower scouts).

Last but not least Camp campbell

Gwen wrote something on a paper for selection.Y/n did so.She wrote something to do.But David wanted Max to thank him not Y/n. So he wrote...fight Y/n.When we put it in a box each camper choosed one. Max then grabed it and said"Fight Y/n?"

Y/n was shocked. "Why would they do that?" She thought. But she accepted it anyways. First the flower scouts were first."David come with me, we need to talk." David followed Gwen.While they were away Y/n was in a fight.The flower scouts got a big gun and shot at Y/n.

Oooo this is fun

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