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🎵 Let's not fall in love - BIGBANG

= Let's not fall in love. We don't know each other yet. =


"You're really crazy, aren't you!" I forced myself off the ground despite the pain in my knee and charged towards Yuri, but Lia and Hera came between us before I could reach her.

"MOVE!" I yelled venomously but they wouldn't budge. I wanted to grab Yuri by the collar so badly and choke her. If she thought I wouldn't dare to fight back, she was wrong.

"Touch me and you're out," she stood there with her princess eyebrows raised.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I hissed in disbelief, and finally gave up breaking through the Lia-Hera barrier. But Yuri looked away ignoring me like I was insignificant.

Just where does she get that cockiness from?

Lia was madly begging me to calm down, and I had to take several deep breaths before speaking sensibly again. "An eye from an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, Yuri. You messed with me first."

This was my warning to her.

It wasn't 5 seconds before I unwillingly let Lia drag me out of the room. "Oh god Jisoo, are you okay?" She asked, checking my legs once we were outside.

"Why wouldn't you say anything?" I questioned her instead. It wasn't just about tripping me, but the way Yuri was getting everything her way didn't make sense for them to stay quiet and suck it in.

But Hera and Lia did exactly that. They didn't dare to defy her.

"I really want to help, Jisoo, I really do, but..." Lia said timidly.

"But what?"

"You shouldn't get on her bad side, Jisoo. She's got connections here." Lia explained and it immediately got me frowning.

That's why she's so arrogant?

"Because of that? Who's connected to a bitch like her?" I glared at the room they were in again. If my glares were lasers she'd be dead now.

"Ssshh, I heard from Hera that she's the niece of SM's managing director," Lia exhaled, "and that they're really close. Yuri's in this program but it's probably just a formality. She's definitely going to debut."

I scoffed again. In complete awe for what I just heard. "She doesn't deserve it."

Lia held my hand. "Please don't fight her, Jisoo. Things will only get ugly if you do. We don't know what will happen to us if she makes an issue out of it, mm?"

Is my debut really on the line because of some bitch picking on me? I am desperate for this trainee program but I'm not sure I can tolerate her.

"I can't guarantee this won't happen again," I muttered lowly. "You saw her, Lia. She's obviously messing with me."

"I'm sorry I can't help," she lowered her eyes. "But I can get you a drink, and help you clean that up a bit." She pointed to my knee, making me look down. I thought the fall only caused me abrasions but my right knee was bleeding a little.

Now that my anger subsided, the pain at my knees were finally registering. "Oh shi- how?" I bent over to take a closer look. It was more severe than I thought and I think it was because I skidded on my knee and the friction caused a cut. "Come on," Lia brought me to the bench a few steps away. "I'll get you some antiseptic for that."

"It's okay, it's not that bad." I waved. It was only a petty cut, what hurt was the pain lurking at my knee where big bruises started to show.

Lia shook her head, "no, you need to fix that. Cuts can get infected if you don't treat them. There's a pharmacy just downstairs, I'll be back."

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